Unit Metrics is a method of 5 characteristics that directly correlate whether a unit will renew or not.  And a unit that renews will keep our Scouts engaged and involved!

The five Unit Metric parameters are Training, Unit Size, Unit Growth, Advancement, and Outdoor / Super Activity.  Those units who have a higher unit metric are more likely to renew.

A unit receives one point for meeting the criteria of each category for their program.

Because we have limited Commissioner resources, Commissioners need to focus available resources on units with the greatest need.  Commissioner Service should focus on those units that have a:

  • Unit Metric of 0, 1, and 2 and
  • new units, and
  • Packs

Unit Metrics
Metric Criteria by Program Reference Table
Revised July 5, 2024

Click metric for guide
Cub Scout Packs Scouts BSA Troops Sea Scouting Ships Venturing Crews Explorer Posts
1. Training Cubmaster + Committee Chair position trained Scoutmaster + Committee Chair position trained Skipper + Committee Chair position trained Advisor + Committee Chair position trained Advisor + Committee Chair position trained
2. Unit Size 20 or more Cubs in Pack 12 or more Scouts in Troop 7 or more Sea Scouts in Ship 7 or more Venturers in Crew 7 or more Explorers in Post
3. Growth Positive year over year growth
Pack has 50 or more Cubs
Positive year over year growth
Troop has 30 or more Scouts
Positive year over year growth
Ship has 15 or more Sea Scouts
Positive year over year growth
Crew has 15 or more Venturers
Positive year over year growth
Post has 15 or more Explorers
4. Advancement / Leadership At least 30% of Cubs have rank advancement in prior 12 months At least 30% of Scouts have rank advancement in prior 12 months At least 20% of Sea Scouts have rank advancement in prior 12 months Crew led by youth officers elected by their peers and trained Crew led by youth officers elected by their peers and trained
5. Outdoor / Super Activity Pack participates in outdoor activity in prior 12 months Troop participates in long-term activity in prior 12 months Ship participates in Super Activity in prior 12 months Crew participates in Tier 3 Activity in prior 12 months Post participates in Super Activity in prior 12 months


Units enter a date in Scoutbook or My.Scouting to create this data

MCC Dashboard 2

The MCC Dashboard 2 spreadsheet covers data for all units in the MCC.  Click on the Unit Metrics tab to find Unit Metric data about a specific unit. Or explore the whole spreadsheet to learn more about units, districts and council.

Why Focus on Unit Metrics?

The real reason for Unit Metrics is to increase the retention of our youth.
Units are given a score between 0 and 5, 5 being the highest.  Each point comes from five areas:  Training, Unit Size, Unit Growth, Advancement  / Leadership, and Outdoor / Super Activity participation — all are proven key indicators of unit success and relate directly to whether a unit renews.  Units scoring at the 0-2 level are in danger of losing youth by not renewing.  Working to get all of our MCC units to the top Unit Metric level is everyone’s job.


Training includes:

  • New Trained Leader spreadsheet for each District

Overall Unit Training Status

Click above image (not current data) and go to the Unit_Training tab to see updated data

Individual Training Status

Click above image (not current data) and go to the Training tab to see updated data

Training Course Codes

Click above image and go to the Training Codes tab to reference the codes listed on the Training tab

Hazardous Weather Training: Required for all Direct Contact Leaders

Direct contact leaders must complete Hazardous Weather Training on My.Scouting to be considered position trained, and the training must be renewed every two years.  Since a strong outdoor program is essential for strong units, weather will always be a factor, positive or negative.  All leaders need to know how to plan around and handle various weather scenarios.

This course is available around-the-clock in the BSA Learn Center by logging in to your account on My.Scouting.org

Hazardous Weather Training requirements can be found in the Camping section of the Guide to Safe Scouting.

Have Questions? Here are a couple of FAQ’s

Click the image to the right for a true story about how the training can be critical.

Unit Size & Growth

Unit Membership Growth – Recruiting New Members

Growth includes:

  • New Troop/Pack Mapping
  • Online Applications
    • Submission – Zip code/invitation
    • Approval – Adult/youth

Unit Membership Size – Retention

New Renewal System Separates Membership Renewal and Unit Registration

1. The new Membership Renewal system is operational before March 17, 2024.

2. The Unit Registration will occur in 2025, more info coming later this year.

3. All Multiple Registrations expire on the same date as the Paid registration. This results in many District and Council renewals changing to year-end for those Scouters whose paid Registration is with the unit.

4. Renewal Period is 2 months before expiration and the following lapsed period is 1 month. National BSA sends 5 email notices to adult or youth parent/guardian. Unit Key 3 gets monthly emails from National BSA on member registration expiration status.

5. YPT being current is validated on the date renewed rather than the date of expiration.

6. The BSA member, youth or adult, selects all multiple registrations when making the paid registration. Starting with current multiple registrations, the member can either continue or Opt Out (drop) any multiple registration they now have. The Unit, District, or Council can opt out any person they wish using My.Scouting.org Roster Report. Either Opt Out ends that multiple registration.

7. Members can either pay with a credit card or pay at council as has been done. Pay at council is required when financial aid is provided. Individual ACH Payments are not available currently. Units have the option to pay for individuals with Credit Card, ACH, or Pay at council.

8. When Unit Registrations are done, unit membership is reviewed and required positions need to be filled. More information on this will be provided later.

9. After learning to do this new process, it will be quicker and easier than prior Rechartering.

New Membership Renewal and Unit Registration

Use the 2 sets of slides, the 2 webinars, and FAQ to learn more about what’s new.

Retention includes – things that should be completed prior to Unit Renewal:

  • YPT Expirations
  • Changing Charter Partners/Executive Officers
  • Financial Aid
  • Youth turning 18
    • Within Troops
    • Within Crews, Ships and Posts

Click image to view printable PDF version

MCC Membership Suspension – Youth Protection

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. One aspect is having our leaders trained in Youth Protection (YPT) with the most up to date guidelines.  In order to ensure our leaders are versed on the most recent updates, leaders must retake the YPT training every two years.  Registered Adults will receive warning emails at 90 days60 days30 days, 14 days and upon Expiration. Once the two year mark hits and YPT expires, the adult will no longer have access to My.Scouting and ScoutBook, and the adult will no longer appear on unit rosters.  If a registered adult’s YPT expires and account access is suspended, they can forward their new YPT Completion Certificate to support@michiganscouting.org to regain access.

Keeping Charter Partner and Charter Partner Executive Officer Info Up-to Date

Charter Partner information should be corrected when it changes, saving additional work at recharter time. Charter Partner info is easily collected when doing the Annual Carter Partner agreement in the summer.  When the Charter Partner Agreement form is reviewed with the Charter Partner in July and the unit is advised that the Charter Partner is not continuing, the unit has two months to get a new charter in place before rechartering.  Getting a new Charter Partner in place normally takes a couple of months.  The New Unit Application form and the Charter Partner Agreement form can be sent to Registration Services.

The Executive Officer must be the same for all units with the same Charter Partner.  It is very desirable that the same person is also the Charter Org Rep (COR); this saves paying for two CORs when one could serve both units and be multiple in one of the units.

If only the Executive Officer (XO or IH) is changing, then only the Executive Officer Change form is needed.  The New Unit Application form can also be used to update any of the info on the current Charter Partner.

Units that are not renewing

Units that do not renew by their renewal date should be sent the Unreregistered Unit Report form (Red Letter form) to complete.  The unit will indicate their plans, and in the case of dissolving, recording the steps to take care of any assets.


Scouts that continue to advance, or for older Scouts, find leadership opportunities, tend to stay in the program.  They feel accomplishment and they are continually challenging themselves.  While some Scouts choose to focus more on adventure than advancement, overall, units that have healthy advancement and leadership opportunities will be successful in retention.


Unit Leaders and Commissioners that would like to understand better how to use Scoutbook to track and report on advancement, there are Scoutbook tutorials and a Scoutbook Sandbox available for use.  See the links below for more information.

The Cub Scout Program Changes presentation is a great resource for understanding the Cub Scout program changes that went into effect June 1, 2024.  Use the PDF presentation to learn about all of the changes.  To view the slide explanations (“speaker notes”), in Adobe Acrobat you will need to click the orange speech bubble on the upper left of each slide, or alternatively click the Comments button on the right toolbar (turn on Comments).


Camp Attendance data, which includes both “in council” and “outside council” camp attendance, come from information entered by unit leaders through Scoutbook.

Obtaining your BSA Records

The recent redesign of My.Scouting has made viewing your own information much easier with the addition of My Profile.  You can view not only your personal information, but your position, training, and award history. The following guide describes the features you can expect to see.