Without YOU, the Adult Leaders in the Scouting America, our youth would not have the opportunities to grow, learn, and have fun like they do.  A good leader has a big heart and a lot of tools in his/her back pocket.  But each leader does not have to re-invent the tools!  Here are pages of resources that will help you — the Cub leader, Scouts BSA leader, Committee member, etc. — plan, implement, and experience an amazing Scouting program.

Are you a NEW Cub Scout or Scouts BSA Leader?  Check out these pages specific to those programs — great for getting started!


Cub Scouts

MCC Cub Scout Leader Resource Page

Our page that compiles lists of den-specific planning resources.  Includes links to the “New Leaders Guides” to help the brand-new adult leaders.

MCC Cub Scout Leader Video Series Page

A series of videos that helps Den Leaders take advantage of the “Den Leader Experience” of the Scoutbook app.  The app helps leaders plan, implement and track den meetings and advancements.

BSA Cub Scout Den Meeting Resources

National BSA’s page on all things Den Leader.  Links to useful guides, forms, videos and more, including specific sections for each program level.

Den Leader Tips and Tricks Videos

The BSA has a series of videos for both new and experienced Cub Scout leaders.  Includes tips on the ranks, using Scoutbook, and everyday ideas for Den and Pack meetings.

Cubmaster Resources

A list of many resources from the BSA for Cubmasters.

Scouts BSA

BSA Troop Program Resources

Resources including Troop Meeting ideas, ceremonies, Leaders’ Minutes, Campcraft skill videos and more! For youth and adult leaders.

BSA Troop Leader Resources

Resources for Troop Leaders including Troop “basics”, Troop Meeting agenda/planning, Troop Meeting Program Feature plans (months of ready-to-use meeting plans in 48 different high-energy areas).

Scouts BSA Advancements

All things advancement for Scouts BSA units.  Includes the required paperwork for Eagle Scouts, the latest on new Merit badges, how-to’s on Merit badges, and information on Virtual Scouting.

Scouts BSA Merit Badges

There are over 130 different merit badges that a Scouts BSA, Venturer, or Sea Scout can earn.  While only 21 are required to earn Eagle Scout, Scouts can choose many of the ones they would like to explore. Merit Badge Counselors help mentor those Scouts.

Program Features

PDF versions of six indispensable leader planning guides.  Includes meeting planning templates on all topics, including Games, Scuba Diving, Cycling, or Ethics.  Hundreds of ready-to-go meeting plans!

Program Updates

This BSA page keeps you up to date with the latest on Scouts BSA.  Information on advancement, linked Troops, starting new Troops, and more.

Other Program Planning Resources

MCC Program Planning Resources

Additional resources for Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scout leaders for meeting planning (includes links to PDFs to Program Features — pre-designed meeting plans).  Includes resources for  Committee planning sessions, including Family Talent survey, budget planning, and more.

Scouting Safely

Have questions about how to Scout safely?  We have links to resources including the Guide to Safe Scouting, Incident Report Tool, Safety Moments, Flowchart of how/when to report (incident, near-miss, and membership infraction) and more.

Age-appropriate Guidelines

Can a Scouts BSA Scout use power tools (answer: in general, no)?  Can a Cub Scout use a pocketknife (Answer:  Bear and up with Whittlin’ Chip)?  Check out this document on guidelines for tools, camping, aquatics, shooting sports, and more.

The Adventure Plan

Outdoor adventure is a key element of youth development in Scouting America programs.  The Adventure Plan (TAP) is a tool to guide unit leaders—Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts— through all stages of Adventure planning.

Religious Relationships/Awards

A Scout is reverent.  To encourage members to grow stronger in their faith, religious groups have developed the following religious emblems programs.  Use these resources to work into meetings or to provide to your youth to work on with their families.

More Resources for all Programs

Unit Administration

Scouting Forms

All the forms you will need.  Health forms, membership forms, and more!

Journey to Excellence

The Journey to Excellence (JTE) unit self-evaluation is meant to encourage excellence in providing a quality program at all levels of the BSA.  Following the planning sheet will ensure a successful program.

Registration Fees

The current registration fees are explained on the Membership Registration page (includes FAQ and printable infographic).    Units should calculate their fees (dues) based off of this chart, adding any additional unit fees on top of this.  If anyone needs assistance with registration, have them complete the Registration Assistance (Scholarship) Form.


All things popcorn!  This page includes links to resources for leaders/kernels as well as for families.

Membership Management in MyScouting

This page has information and videos on how to use the Application and Invitation Managers that are part of the MyScouting Membership Manager.  The Application Manager portion is the place to go to approve online applications.  Invitation Manger has QR Codes and direct URLs to your Unit’s Scout/Adult online applications.

Adult Position Codes

When an Adult is completing an Adult Application, the position and position code must be specified.  Know what all of those codes are?  Reference the position code guide for a list of all codes as well as which require a fee for registration.


A district roundtable is an opportunity for Scouters to receive quality resources, knowledge, and skills and work as a group to have an opportunity for an equal exchange of ideas.  Leaders come together to share ideas and learn about upcoming District and Council events.  This page includes past resources.  Contact your district for their roundtable schedule.

Swim Check Request and Swim Check Admin Request

Want to host your own swim check for your unit prior to camp or water activities?  A certified swim check administrator has to be approved by the council, and then you can submit a request to hold your own check.

Mobile Scout Shop Request

Are families in your units having trouble obtaining uniforms and handbooks?  Instead of sending them to the local Scout Shop, consider having the Scout Shop visit your next meeting!

Fiscal Policies for Units

This guide includes all things “money” that related to unit level.  It addresses tax-exempt status, checking accounts, fundraising, Scout accounts and more.  A must read for the Committee and Treasurer of every unit.

Certificate of Liability Request

Is your unit taking part in an event that the activity provider is requesting proof of insurance.  Fill out this form to obtain that certificate.

Building and Sustaining a Unit

New Unit Roadmap

This guide takes you through the steps of starting a new unit, from building, to sustaining, to growing the unit.

Membership Recruitment Resources

Need help putting together a membership recruitment plan?  Need custom flyers, posters, or yard signs created?  Need images to put on your own flyers?  This is the place to go!

Scouts BSA Recruitment Resources

The above “Membership Recruitment Resources” contains resources for Scouts BSA, but this page includes downloadable flyers, postcards, and other resources specifically for Scouts BSA.

Managing Linked Troops

Webinar on the ins and outs of co-existing with a “linked Troop”.  Often a Troop for boys and a Troop for girls will be charted under the same organization; having committee members that below to both Troops can be an asset when working together.

Keys to Launching a successful Girl Troop

Thinking of starting a Troop for girls?  Recently started one?  This webinar has pointers that will help you survive and thrive.

Other Useful Links


Our page with useful information on how and why to use Scoutbook.  Scoutbook is the advancement and event tracking site for all program levels.  Available for adult leaders and parents.

Internet Advancement

Advancement and event tracking software for units.  Useful to unit leaders for advancements, service hour reporting, and rechartering.

Youth Protection

All registered adults, as well as non-registered adults in contact with youth, must take Youth Protection Training (YPT) every two years.

Merit Badge Counselors

Information for new and existing Merit Badge Counselors.  Anyone that meets the age/training requirements can be a registered Merit Badge Counselor.  Encourage your parents and leaders to support Scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts on their road to advancement.

Awards Central

Advancements are what Scouts earn through regular program activities.  Awards can be earned by Scouts and Adults at various levels for special achievements.  This page highlight many of the available awards that can be earned.

Purchase a Unit Flag

Troop, Packs, Crews and Ships often have their own custom flag that they can display with pride.  Order yours today from the approved vendor.

MCC Online Scout Shop

Online shop shipped right from Michigan.  Includes uniforms, literature and advancements.

National Online Scout Shop

National online Scout Shop for uniforms, literature, and gear.

Inspiration for all Programs

2023-2024 MCC Program Calendar and Resource Guide

This is a WEALTH of council specific knowledge.  Everything from how to plan for the year, upcoming events, and ready-to-fill in calendars that include key council/camp events.  For new and returning leaders, this is the GO-TO guide for the year!

MCC Emails and Newsletters

Remember seeing an email on something cool, but can’t remember the details or find the email.  We have you covered!  Here is a list of all recent emails and newsletters.  Now you won’t miss the next cool event!

Events Around the Council

Looking for something for your unit to do?  This page has highlights of upcoming events.  Check the full schedule for all of your options, but this page is a quick visual to provide to your Scout-led units.

BSA Advancement News

This treasure trove of newsletters (released every other month) has all of your up to date information on all things advancements.  It includes new information as well as explaining long-existing information that new Scouters may need.  Sign up for an email version of the newsletter, or simply review back issues on this site.


The lastest Scouting news for leaders, parents, and youth.

Scouting Magazine On-Scouting Blog

The On-Scouting blog is a trusted sources of Scouting news, tips, and information that leaders must know.

Scouting Podcasts

Podcasts for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Sea Scouts.


We mentioned it before, and we’ll mention it again.  Your local district roundtable monthly meetings are a WEALTH of knowledge on various topics and upcoming events in your area.

Scout Life Magazine

The magazine your kids enjoy can be a good source of information for leaders.  (Or maybe you just want to read the latest jokes…that is okay, too!)


District List

List of all districts with a description of the geographical area they represent.

District and Council Resources

Resources for the district professional, including volunteer job description sheets, various guidebooks, and rules, regulations and by-laws of the BSA

Program Committees

A list of all program committees with contact information and committee pages.

Roundtable Resources

The Roundtable page has links to the latest information that you can use when planning the next roundtable meeting.