The National Jamboree is the quintessential Scouting event for youth and adults.
The next National Jamboree with the MCC Contingent will be July 20-31 *, 2026.
* Actual dates of the Jamboree are July 22-31, but the MCC Contingent notes dates of July 20-31. This includes travel days and extra side trips.
Have you ever considered being an adult unit leader in the Michigan Crossroads Council Jamboree contingent? The MCC Jamboree committee is looking for adult unit leaders.
The webinar will help you learn more about adult unit leader roles and responsibilities and understand the adult unit leader selection process.
Webinar Recording
Jamboree Interest Form
Jamboree Unit Presentation Request Form
Want us to come talk to your Troop or Crew about National Jamboree? Let us know and we will work to schedule a visit to your meeting.
National Jamboree Unit Presentation Request
- MUST have a current BSA membership with a Scouts BSA troop.
- Has not reached their 18th birthday by the last day of the Jamboree.
- Be approved by the unit leader and local council.
- MUST have appropriate parent/guardian to complete the online parental consent.
- Participate in pre-Jamboree training experience with local council and unit leader.
- Filed a BSA Health & Medical Record parts A, B, and C with their council within one year of attending the Jamboree. (MCC will provide specifics closer to the Jamboree.) Submit all registrations fees per the MCC’s payment schedule.
- Crew members MUST have a current BSA membership with a Venturing crew.
- Has not reached their 21st birthday by the last day of the Jamboree.
- Be approved by the unit leader and local council.
- MUST have appropriate parent/guardian to complete the online parental consent.
- Participate in pre-Jamboree training experience with local council and unit leader. Filed a BSA Health & Medical Record parts A, B, and C with their council within one year of attending the Jamboree. (MCC will provide specifics closer to the Jamboree.)
Adults and/or Teenagers (16+ year old Scouts and 21+ year old Venturers) Participation in the Jamboree If you are a teenager or an adult wanting to join the Jamboree, there is a critical need for Jamboree staff. Jamboree staff enable a successful event for all youth participants. Jamboree staffing needs span all activities and skills.
Please direct your question to MCC Contingent Chairperson Patrick Berryman
MCC Contingent Adult Leadership Opportunities
What previous Jamboree adult unit leaders say about why they wanted to be a Jamboree leader what was their favorite experience at the Jamboree:
Why did Scouters want to be Jamboree unit leaders?
“Help scouts from Michigan have a mountain top experience and participate in one of the largest scouting events of the careers”—Jamboree adult unit leader
“Give back to the Scouting organization and make new friends at the Jamboree”—Jamboree adult unit leader
“I was a Scoutmaster for my home troop. I wanted the experience and challenge of forming a Jamboree contingent troop of scouts who were excited to share a life changing experience with me and my team of like-minded adult scouters.”—Jamboree adult unit leader and Jamboree staff member
My experiences at each of these Jamborees will forever be a highlight of my scouting career that has provided many friendships and fond memories.”
What was your favorite experience that you had as a Jamboree unit leader?
“Spending time with the youth and watching them interact with other scouts” —Jamboree adult unit leader
“The bus ride to and from the 2023 Jamboree was that turned into a team building experience” —Jamboree adult unit leader
“Presiding as master of ceremonies at the Eagle Court of Honor for one of my scouts at the 2005 National Jamboree in the 100+ degree heat” —Jamboree adult unit leader
“Seeing scouts that across the state come together and form a cohesive troop. Also to see scouts support each other throughout the week to overcome challenges ensure everyone had a great time” —Jamboree adult unit leader
Application and Selection Process
Jamboree unit leaders will be selected from the MCC Jamboree committee members in late summer/early fall 2025. Each full MCC unit will have four (4) adult leaders (21+ years old) and 36 youth. We are seeking to fill nine (9) units. The final number of adult leader positions will depend on the number of youth registered with the MCC Jamboree contingent in late summer/early fall 2025. Committee members not selected as contingent unit leaders will be encouraged to apply for Jamboree staff positions. Jamboree unit leader position descriptions/roles/responsibilities are contained in the documents folder on this website.
Adults interested in being considered for unit leader positions can start the process by applying today to join the MCC Jamboree committee. Complete the “2026 National Jamboree Prospective MCC Committee Member Profile”. Submit the completed profile to Patrick Berryman at to be considered for the MCC Jamboree committee.
The MCC Jamboree committee is seeking members from across the council to deliver a world-class Scouting experience for MCC youth. The MCC Jamboree committee has 12 sub-committees covering a wide range of areas needing diverse skills to support the contingent.
Adult unit leaders will be selected in late summer/early fall 2025. Below is a short list of contributions, accomplishments, and experiences that enhance an adult leader’s candidacy:
- Contribution to the success of the MCC Jamboree contingent through active participation in or leadership of a sub-committee
- Youth recruiting through unit presentations/contacts and recruiting at Scouting events
- Demonstrated teamwork through MCC Jamboree sub-committee participation
- Home unit leadership experience
- Completed position specific training. Having advanced training such as Wood Badge or Powder Horn is a plus (courses are offered in 2024 and 2025)
- Participation in long term camping (e.g., summer camp). Having high adventure experience is a plus
Please contact Patrick Berryman at if there are any questions.
Position Descriptions: