Welcome to the Renewals information page.  Membership Renewal and Unit Renewal are brand new for 2024. Unlike the previous annual “rechartering” process, these two new processes are completely separate and serve different purposes. Membership of youth and adults is now a handled on an individual twelve month cycle and no longer directly linked to an unit charter. Please review the information on these pages carefully and contact us if there are any questions.

Leaders, Start Here:

Unit leaders and commissioners…looking for more information on what Unit Renewal will look like in 2024?
The following resources walk through everything you need.

NOTE: The screen shots and information contained in the step-by-step guide were up to date at the time of creation.  Scouting America is continuing to make improvements to the system, so the screen you encounter may not be exactly what you see in the document below.  The same applies to all information on this page.  Every effort to keep this page updated is being made, but changes are still being made to the systems.

Unit Renewal 2024 Guide

This PDF presentation details the Unit portion of renewals.
Updated 12-13-24.

Unit Pay of Member Renewals

This PDF presentation details the process for a unit to pay for individual member’s annual renewal.
Updated 12-13-24.

Unit Pay using ACH

This PDF presentation details the process for a unit to pay using ACH (direct bank account withdrawal).
Updated 9-25-24.

Individual Member Renewal

A guide for families/parents/leaders that will renewing on behalf of themselves or their families.
Updated 12-13-24.

Looking for information on how to renew your individual membership?  Please visit the Individual Member Renewal page for more information.

Unit Renewal

Unit Renewal Timeline/Checklist

Click to zoom

Timeline Details (expand to view)

Be Prepared…for Renewal Guide:  Explains many of the following tasks:

Meet with your unit commissioner. Review the unit renewal timeline, unit renewal process, and the JTE scorecard.  Hopefully you’ve been tracking your unit’s progress on the current JTE scorecard.  Celebrate all of the great things your unit does by listing them on the form.  More JTE information can be found here.

Establish a Unit Renewal Champion.  This person will be the key person in your unit for the process.  They will work directly with your district renewal champion to make this a quick and successful process.

My.Scouting Emails.  Ensure the Key 3 of your unit as well as your Charter Org Rep (COR) and/or COR Delegates have correct email addresses listed in the system.  To avoid emails going to junk/spam folders, ensure that Key 3 and members add @scouting.org to their safe-senders list.

Minimum number of Youth.  Ensure your unit has the minimum of 5 registered youth.  This does include those youth that are primary in another unit and “multiples” in your unit.

Adult Leadership Positions.  Ensure that all adult leadership positions are filled (there are minimum requirements in a unit).  The COR/Delegate can make adjustments in Position Manager.

Individual Renewal of Required Leaders Complete. Ensure that all of the required leaders for your unit type (Committee Chair, COR, Scoutmaster/Cubmaster/Skipper/Advisor, and Committee Members) have completed their individual renewals and have expiration dates beyond the unit renewal date.

Check your unit leaders’ Youth Protection (YPT) status!  In My.Scouting, use Training Manager –> Reports –> YPT Aging Report.  Any adult that expires before the renewal date (or within 2 months after the date) should plan to retake YPT now.  Click here to see a tutorial on how to use Training manager.  Registered Adults will receive warning emails at 90 days, 60 days, 30 days, 14 days prior to expiration and upon Expiration.  If a registered adult’s YPT expires and account access is suspended, they can forward their YPT Completion Certificate to support@michiganscouting.org to regain access.

Set-up/Review BeAScout pin.  Make sure you have a BeAScout pin set up so that prospective members can find your unit and apply online.  Help for setting up a pin can be found here.  In My.Scouting‘s Organization Manager –> Unit Pin, ensure that online applications are enabled.  Units are encouraged to use online applications for new members at the renewal time.

Review Positions and Approve Apps Your leadership can reassign adult leader positions and approve Adult applications.  The sooner the better. Need Position Codes?  Find them in the Position Code guide.

Determine Scouts/Scouters with Multiple Registrations.  These are those members that are a part of multiple BSA units (Troops, Packs, Ships, and/or Crews).  Each person needs to be represented on each unit’s renewal, but the member only has to submit fees to the primary unit.  Members that are part of one or more Explorer Posts cannot “multiple” with Troops, Packs, Ships and/or Crews; separate registration fees are required for Explorer adults and youth.

Consider adding a Charter Org Representative (COR) Delegate.  This person, appointed in Position Manager in My.Scouting by the COR to fulfill the duties of the COR in the renewal process.  Help for this process can be found here.

Ensure Criminal Background Check (CBC) forms are accounted for.  Using Position Manager in Organization Manager, ensure that all adult leaders have the most updated CBC form on file.

Training!  Unit renewal champions should review user guides and videos prior to the renewal season for your unit.

Unit Key 3 Notified by email at 60 days

Log into System.  Unit Key 3 or COR/Delegate logs into My.Scouting, goes to Organization Manager, and then clicks Unit Renewal

Pay online or in the office.  Once you are ready to submit your renewal, you have the option to pay online (credit card with small fee) or by check in a Scout Service Center.  If you choose to pay in office, ensure that you have printed out the form that appears with that option in the renewal system.

Turn in the following to your professional partner.  Either in person or digitally, turn in the following items:

Encourage all members to renew online.  Direct them to the member’s Renewal page if they have questions.

Special Cases

Special Needs participants over 18 will require manual submission:

If you have a special situation that prevents you from submitting online, though you have been cleared by the proper portion of the organization, you may need to submit your renewal in person.  An example of this would be Special Needs Scouts that have been approved to continue as Youth Participants after the age of 18:  the renewal system will currently not allow you to submit the renewal online.  Follow the manual turn-in process below:

  1. Complete the renewal in the system as completely as possible (youth and adults in the proper position)
  2. Instead of submitting online, print off the renewal form that the renewal system provides.
  3. Obtain physical signatures from your unit/charter organization on the printed copy. [NOTE: This may become an electronic process.]
  4. Send the paperwork with payment to your local Scout Service Center.  Include a note explaining the barrier to submitting online.
  5. The renewal paperwork will be sent to Registration Services for manual entry, noting the special circumstance.

Form for extension for Special Needs Scouts

Special Case: Troops or Packs with less than five primary youth members

In order to be approved as a unit with fewer than FIVE primary youth members,  a Troop membership plan or Pack membership plan must be submitted with the renewal paperwork.  Note:

  • This does NOT apply to Crews or Ships since many of those members are multiples from a Troop. (Crews or Ships with fewer than five total – primary and/or multiple –  members should have a plan, though.)
  • Membership recruitment of units under five youth is a year-round process.  Please plan to continue to work your membership plans immediately after your renewal is submitted and approved.
  • Webelos crossovers cannot be the only part of a membership plan unless there are at least SIX known Webelos crossing over (enough for a new Scout patrol)

Clear any defects.

With the new system, the number of defects should be close to zero.  If after submission you receive notice of issues (defects) with your renewal, work with your commissioner staff to resolve those issues in a timely manner.  Registration Services is reviewing Charters On Hold and posting any defects they find on the MCC Registration Dashboard and the MCC Dashboard 2.  Units, DEs, DCs, and Renewal Champions will be reviewing the defect log and taking action so charters can be Posted promptly when National BSA acts.

Print Charter and membership cards.  Once approved and processed, Unit Key 3, commissioners and professionals can log into My.Scouting to print out the annual Charter and all membership cards.  Instructions:

Stop-Start-Continue activity.  With your unit commissioner, run through this process to see how to improve unit renewal in the future.

Units that do not renew within 90 days after their renewal date will be sent the Unreregistered Unit Report form (Red Letter form) to complete.  The unit will indicate their plans, and in the case of dissolving, recording the steps to take care of any assets.

If assets are to be transferred to the council, the unit will need to complete the Transfer of Unit Funds and Property, providing a list of remaining assets.

Individual Membership Renewal – Payment Options

Individual members will need to renew prior to their anniversary date.  For those that initially registered prior to August 1, 2023, their anniversary date will be their last recharter date, typically December 31.

Members will be notified via email and will see messages in both My.Scouting and Scoutbook starting 60 days prior to their renewal date.  There are two options for payment:

  • Member/family pays the renewal online (or in Council Service Center) – PREFERRED/DEFAULT
  • Unit chooses to pay for members as their memberships come due (online or in Council Service Center) – discouraged due to potential confusion/issues with “multiple” members and tracking membership renewals all throughout the year

Individual Pay Timeline

Click to Zoom

NOTE:  This method is the default.  You can direct families to the Renewal page for more information.

Individual Pay Timeline Details

Prior to the renewal time period, families should…

Verify parent/adult member has a My.Scouting account.

If a parent of a youth member does not have a my.scouting account, one will need to be created.  If an online application was used for initial registration, an account should already exist.  Any registered adult will have an account — same account used to register and/or take Youth Protection Training.

Check the member’s renewal date.

This gives you an idea when to expect the renewal email.  Add it to your calendar so each year you know when to expect to renew.

Youth Protection

Members 18 or older, check your YPT expiration date to ensure it is up-to-date.  Retake the training at My.Scouting if necessary.

Payment Options

Check whether your unit is paying the membership.  If so, they will take care of the following steps, renewing your membership for you.  The default is for units to NOT pay the membership.

Receive Membership Renewal notification

Members will receive renewal notification from the system sixty days prior to the membership expiration dates for themselves and/or family members by email as well as alerts in the My.Scouting.org and Scoutbook applications.  Notifications will be through e-mail, My.Scouting, and Scoutbook; adults will be notified personally, and youth will be notified through their parent or guardian.

Note: Some members may receive one or more email messages based on their memberships or positions.

Access the online Membership Renewal system

Click the link in the email message or system alert be directed to the online Membership Renewal system, login, and then following the instructions.

The system (and current renewal status) can also be accessed by browsing to My.Scouting.org > My Application > My Renewals.

Access the online Membership Renewal system

Click the link in the email message or system alert be directed to the online Membership Renewal system, login, and then following the instructions.

The system (and current renewal status) can also be accessed by browsing to My.Scouting.org > My Application > My Renewals.

While completing the renewal…

…there are some things to consider.

  • Check to make sure all roles and memberships are listed.
    Note: Adult functional roles do not appear.
  • Remove those positions the member would like to discontinue.
  • Members can Opt-Out if they choose not to continue their membership in Scouting America.
  • For youth in a Crew / Ship and Troop, the Crew or Ship should be the primary position.
  • Scout Life magazine can be toggled on or off.  The default setting is to receive the magazine.

Agree to the Terms & Conditions and pay online

  1. Review the primary registration position, if necessary.
  2. Agree to the Terms & Conditions.
  3. Review the fees; uncheck the box for Scout Life magazine if you do not want to receive it.
  4. Input credit/debit card payment information.
  5. Submit the request.
  6. Check your email for the confirmation message.

Enjoy another great year of Scouting!

Units will need to approve adults in order for those members to show as registered with the unit, so My.Scouting will not update immediately.  Check your My.Scouting account to make sure all positions/unit memberships are registered.  Follow-up with the unit if a membership is missing.

If a member does not renew, the membership is dropped at the 90 day mark.

Unit Pay Timeline

Click to Zoom

NOTE:  This method is not recommended.  It allows Units to pay for its Member’s renewals instead of the default of a member/family paying.  There is potential for “multiple registration” problems by a unit paying for a member.

Unit Pay Timeline Details

Work with families

  • Encourage Members to check e-mail address in your my.scouting account!
    Note: there is no mechanism to check for failed e-mails.
  • Check member’s renewal date.
  • Check member’s YPT expiration date.

Prior to Renewing a Member, please talk to the members and confirm the following:

  • Notify those unit members who the unit will pay for.
  • Member will receive e-mail reminding them to renew at 60 days prior to their membership expiring.
  • If a member is not renewing, use the Opt-Out tool.  Before using the Opt-Out tool, be sure to confirm that the member is leaving Scouting entirely and not just your unit.  The Opt-Out tool could possibly cancel the member’s multiple registrations in other units/positions.
  • Confirm with the member all multiple registrations.
    Note: the system will only allow the member to be paid for once.
  • Confirm with member about Scout Life subscription.

At the 60 day mark for each member

Unit Key 3 will be notified of members who are expiring in the next 2 months.

Access the online Unit Roster

A member of the Key 3 or the Charter Organization Representative (COR) Delegate can access the Membership Renewal system (and current renewal status) by browsing to My.Scouting.org > Menu > Select Unit > Organizational Manager > Roster.

Note: If the members self-pay before the unit can submit its order, then the member can no longer be renewed and paid for by the unit. The unit will need to reimburse the member from unit funds, if necessary.

Create Renewal Order

  1. Filter the Roster, if desired.
  2. Opt Out members that will NOT be returning.
    Note: This option cannot be reversed! If a mistake is made, then please contact the support@michiganscouting.org for assistance.
  3. Check the boxes next to the members that you would like to renew and click the Renew button in the menu bar at the top of the list.
    Note: Only those members that are Eligible to Renew (two months prior and up to one month after their expiration date) can be selected. Any remember not renewed either by the unit or by the member will automatically drop from the roster one month after their membership expirations dates.
  4. Add or remove Scout Life magazine subscriptions for the members.
    Note: The subscription is selected by default for all members!
  5. Mark member(s) as Multiple if their primary membership is in another unit.
    Note: Scouts between the ages of 18-20 that are registered in both a Scouts BSA Troop and Venturing Crew or Sea Scout Ship should have their primary registrations listed as either the Crew or Ship. Any member that is 18 or older must complete YPT.
  6. Click Create Renewal Order button at the bottom of the page.  ONLINE PAYMENT ONLY.  SKIP TO PAYING AT THE COUNCIL OFFICE BELOW FOR DETAILS.

Pay for the Unit Order online

  1. Review the fees breakdown at the top of the Payment Summary page.
  2. Input Credit/Debit Card (3% fee) or ACH Payment ($1.00 fee) information.
  3. Submit the payment to complete the order.

Unit renewal orders can be found at the bottom of the  Roster page:

  • The Unit Orders section includes renewal batches that have been paid.
  • The Unit Orders By Batch section includes renewal batchs that have not yet been paid.

Note: Members cannot be added or removed from batches, but additional batches can be created and there is no limited to the number of batches that can be submitted.

Paying at the Council Office

  1. Check the boxes next to the members that you would like to renew and then click on the Print > Unit Payment of Membership Renewal option from the report menu bar (see screenshot below).
  2. Download and save the Unit Payment of Membership Renewal Paperwork from the pop-up box. Notes: 
    • Only those members that are Eligible to Renew (two months prior and up to one month after their expiration date) can be selected. Any remember not renewed either by the unit or by the member will automatically drop from the roster one month after their membership expirations dates.
    • Scouts between the ages of 18-20 that are registered in both a Scouts BSA Troop and Venturing Crew and/or Sea Scout Ship should have their primary registrations listed as either the Crew or Ship.
    • Any member that is 18 or older must complete YPT.

    Print the Membership Renewal Paperwork

    1. Open the downloaded Unit Payment of Membership Renewal Paperwork PDF file from the location to which it was saved.
    2. Print the paperwork file.
    3. Make any necessary updates on the report such as the following:
      • Change Scouting Life to Yes for those who want it and add $15/each to the overall total.
      • Make a note next to each member that received financial add from the Council and deduct the amount for each from the overall total.

    Note: To change this paperwork, you will need to delete it from the list of batches at the bottom of the Roster page and then recreate it.

  3. Make check payable to Michigan Crossroads Council and take it with your paperwork to your local Service Center.

Check my.scouting roster to make sure all members are registered.

Check my.scouting roster to make sure all members are registered


Annual Unit Charter Agreement: This document must be signed annually by the Charter Org, the Charter Org Rep, the Committee Chair and the Local Council.

New Unit Application: Used by new units to initially define the Charter Org, it is also used by units that are 1) changing Charter Organizations, or 2) need to update the information about the current Charter Org.  This should be completed and submitted to Registration Services at mcc.registration@scouting.org.

Release and Assumption of Charter: Used by an existing Charter Org to release its responsibility and charter for the unit.

Registration Assistance Request Form: Any Scout or adult that is in need of financial assistance to cover annual fees should complete this fillable PDF.

Youth Application and Adult Application (Paper versions):  Online applications are strongly preferred, but if you need the old fashioned paper version of the apps, here they are.  NOTE: For those turning 18 years of age or for changing the units Charter Org Rep, the paper version is required, in addition to the current YPT certification and completed CBC form.

Adult Position Codes: Have Adult apps and not sure how to assign a position?  This PDF guide lists all of the possible positions with their codes and whether they require a fee.

Facility Use Agreement: Facility use agreement to be used between non-Charter Partner churches and Scout units.


2024 Fees:  Updated fee explanation starting May 1, 2024.

Annual Charter Renewal Training: (NOTE: Be logged into my.scouting before clicking on the link).  This online module, part of the Cub Scout training (CS19 SCO469) explains everything you wanted to know about Charters.  NOTE:  It mentions paper renewals; paper renewals are a very last resort – online renewals should be used instead.

Be Prepared…for Unit Renewal Guide:  Do you know how to use my.scouting.org to set up a BeAScout pin, approve applications, set up a Charter Org delegate or the other Be Prepared steps?  Here is your quick guide!

Application Manager and Invitation Manager Usage:  Do you know how to access the Membership Management section of MyScouting?  This section includes the Application and Invitation Managers.  Application Manager is the way to keep track and approve online applications,  and Invitation Manager provides your unit QR Codes and URLs that allow new members to directly apply.

Unit Technology Tools & Renewal: This table shows which roles in the Unit have access to which technology tools (BeAScout, Invitation Manager, Roster, etc.) before, during and after the renewal (and expiration) process.

Journey to Excellence (JTE) 2024 Scorecards:  Unit can use these scorecards to help them evaluate their programs.
Planning ahead and hitting these benchmarks has been proven to create strong units.
Pack   Troop   Crew   Ship   Post/Club


If you have questions about the Unit Renewal process, please refer to the Contact below for your district.

If you or someone else in your unit has disappeared from a unit roster, please send an email to support@michiganscouting.org. Provide the person’s name, their BSA ID (if known), the unit number and the district. You should recieve a reply within a few days- most likely with resolution.

If you have a problem or concern about my.scouting.org or Scoutbook, including resetting passwords, please send an email to your District Executive.  The District Executive(s) for your district can be found on the Staff Directory.

If you have multiple Scoutbook accounts or my.scouting accounts, please send an email to support@michiganscouting.org. Indicate in the email which ID number you would like to make primary, if there is a preference. Your District Professional can also help with this problem.

Please note at this time, BSA IDs cannot be merged.


Chief OkemosDawn Meadows - DCdawnrmead@yahoo.com 517-230-0396
Chief OkemosChris McLarenmclarenc@gmail.com517-325-3226
Eagle SpiritCheryl Dorwin - DCcheryld@aol.com616-550-3244
Eagle SpiritRandy Rinquistrringquist@att.net616-648-3010
HeartlandJoshua Cromer - DCjdcromer@gmail.com517-745-2253
HeartlandTodd McQuistontoddmcq@charter.net989-835-9499
HiawathalandBeth Paling - DC
LakeshoreDan Vander Meer - DCd.vandermeer2@gmail.com616-402-8857
Northern LightsPeter Larson - DCPjlarsonz@outlook.com231-350-6748
Northern LightsChristopher Harsch - ADCchrisharsch62@gmail.com989-464-0264
Nottawa TrailsFritz Reasons - DCfreasons@comcast.net269-370-6779
OjibwaySteve Sylvester - DCsylvesst@gmail.com989-652 2018
OjibwayCarol Van Arsdale - RCcarol.vanarsdale@gmail.com989-790-1069
PathfinderBrian Wertz - DCbrianwertz@hotmail.com269-290-4246
PathfinderDave Blythedblythe1525@gmail.com231-638-2227
Scenic TrailsGary Curtis - DCgcurtisbsa@gmail.com541-613-4914
ShorelineDavid Neil - DCydj1999@charter.net989-667-5234
ShorelineJoshua Cromerjdcromer@gmail.com517-745-2253
Timber TrailsJay Richardson - DCjrichar6@gmail.com248-345-1620
WabanoDave Blythedblythe1525@gmail.com231-638-2227
Blue StarCheryl Holland - DCcrktholland@aol.com810-441-7741
Blue StarWayne Moreywayne.morey@gmail.com810-240-3334
Blue WaterWayne Hastings
Blue WaterJoe Auito - DCbluewatercommissioner@gmail.com810-388-4488
Irish HillsBridget Holder - DCHolderb13@aol.com517-782-6806
ChippewaDave Fowlerdavidfowler123@comcast.net586-533-9891
ChippewaBob Lemons - DCrobertlemons@gmail.com586-549-8402
Huron TrailsLara Lane - DCllane76@gmail.com734-657-6109
MahicanDenise Warddward4venturing@hotmail.com313-460-4617
MahicanBrent Richards - DCzzplus3@yahoo.com313-378-3396
North StarMaria Kramermaria.m.kramer@gmail.com248-417-6788
North StarDan Peck - DCj.dan.peck@gmail.com313-477-6829
OttawaLinda WallnerLinda.Wallner@scouting.org313-618-3736
OttawaBill Hulka - DCredzr1@comcast.net317-385-3572
Pontiac ManitoLonny Johnson - DClonny.eric.johnson@gmail.com309-573-4503
RenaissanceGerald Heuerg.r.heuer@att.net313-655-0910
RenaissanceBonnie Ponderlibopo@comcast.net 313-478-0629
RenaissanceNate Murray - DCgolfing68@comcast.net248-390-0701
Rivers NorthScott Munerance - DCscott.munerance@gm.com248-408-3965
Rivers NorthRon Westronaldwest@charter.net810-845-2611
Running WatersLarry Kowalski - DCkowalski.larry@gmail.com 419-461-1277
SunriseJim Chernenko - DCjim.chernenko@gmail.com586-942-7055
SunrisePat McCloskeymrpatccadc@hotmail.com586-530-4696
SunsetGreg Gonthiergreg.gonthierbsa@gmail.com734-837-2766
SunsetRichard Ryan - DCrdryan10@gmail.com313-452-3354
Three FiresMike Sheehan - DCsheehan-michael@hotmail.com734-780-6482
Three FiresLeigh Damaskekareen4864@gmail.com313-618-4016
ACC - Renewal PF DivisionWayne Hastingslwhastings@yahoo.com734-718-1113
ACC - Renewal GL DivisionKurt Newmankdnewman155@gmail.com313-300-3947
ACC - West/SouthKen Norinknorin@aol.com734-812-2690
ACC - Zone 1Gregory Caskiesharkbsa@gmail.com386-538-1768
ACC - Zone 2Joshua Cromerjdcromer@gmail.com517-745-2253
ACC - Zone 3Fritz Reasonsfreasons@comcast.net269-370-6779
ACC - Zone 3David Blythedblythe1525@gmail.com231-638-2227
ACC - Zone 4Cheryl Dorwincheryld@aol.com616-550-3244

Find Your District Commissioner and Renewal Champion: