The University of Scouting is an adult leader’s learning adventure! It is an action-packed, fun-filled single day of supplemental training where you choose the sessions you wish to take. Sessions are led by experienced volunteers and professionals who will help you enhance your ability to deliver a fun and exciting program to your Scouts.

Cub Scout leaders can pick up tips, hints, and fun suggestions which will help their dens, the pack, and most importantly their own Scouts. Explore new cooking ideas, learn to tie knots, or even have some magical experiences during your meetings.
- Whittling Chip Basics for Cub Scout Leaders
- Chief Pontiac – Trail for Cub Scouts
- Cold Weather Activities
- How to Conduct a Perfect Pinewood Derby
- Let the Games Begin – Games & Puzzles
- MCC Camps and Cub Scouting
- And More…

Scouts BSA leaders can learn about any of BSA’s high-adventure bases (including The Summit) or receive some pointers on “Meaningful Scoutmaster Conferences” or learn more from a variety of topics.
- Board of Review Workshop
- Discover MCC High Adventure
- Backpacking – Equipment and Where to Go
- Merit Badge Counselor Training
- Knots (Basic and Advanced courses)
- Get Cooking!
- And More…

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. See how you can become part of this exciting program and how incorporating STEM can enhance your unit’s program!
- Integrating STEM Into Your Troop
- STEM Nova Counselor Training
- Supernova Counselor Training

Spend time on Sea Scout-specific and Venturing-specific topics.
- Goal Setting and Time Management
- Project Management
- How to start and maintain a crew

Leaders and parents can take other general studies topics which span a variety of Scouting Programs.
- Basic Dutch Oven Cooking
- Capturing Scouts in Action through Photograpy
- Cold Weather Camping
- Games for Campouts
- Intro to GPS/Geocaching
- Scouting Myths Game Show
- And More…

Scouts BSA, Venturers and Sea Scouts can now take courses specifically for them!
- Den Chief Training
- First Class Skills
- Games for Patrols
- Geocaching for Youth

Commissioners are encouraged to earn their Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate Degree! Also offered are Continuing Education courses.
For more information, please contact:
Maria Peralta
University of Scouting Chancellor
Scott Wauldron
University of Scouting Chancellor
Mark Bentley
College of Commissioner Science Dean
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