9/1/2024 Shooting Sports Program Updates
Effective September 1, 2024, Scouting’s Shooting Sports programs within all programs including Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting will be referred to as Range and Target Activities.
Note: As a reminder, the updated Cub Scout program effective June 1, 2024 includes elective adventures versus awards for Cub Scouts. These elective adventures can still only be offered at an accredited camp program (day camp, short-term camp, long-term camp) or a council organized one day event. For information on delivering these new elective adventures, please visit the shooting sports website.
In addition, effective September 1, 2024, the following changes will affect the range and target activities within Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting. All other current Scouting range and target activities policies as indicated in the National Shooting Sports Manual remain unchanged and must be followed. These changes will be reflected in the National Shooting Sports Manual on September 1, 2024 and will be updated periodically. Additional information regarding these changes can be found on the Shooting Sports FAQ website.
- Firearm programs may only take place on a nationally authorized camp property’s range(s) or at a commercial firearm range. This does not apply to district or council programs that utilize BB devices*, but applies to pellet rifles, airsoft (any type), rifles, pistols, shotguns, and muzzle loading rifles and shotguns.
- The use of personal firearms and personal ammunition is prohibited in all Scouting programs at nationally authorized camp properties. Personal firearms and personal ammunition may be used at a commercial firearm range, subject to restrictions regarding caliber, gauge, and action as described in the National Shooting Sports Manual and herein.
- At a minimum, all Scouts BSA troops, Venturing crews, and Sea Scout ships who provide unit-level sponsored/planned range and target activities must have at least one registered unit leader 21+ years of age take the Range Activity SAFEty online training. This trained adult leader must be present at the range. The training is recommended for all unit leaders in Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting. Note this training does not replace the requirements for certified NRA firearms instructors and range safety officers. This training will be available beginning 9/1/2024.
Additional Scouts BSA Range & Target Activities Program Change:
- The Scouting Pistol Safety and Marksmanship program is retired effective September 1, 2024.
- Effective September 1, 2024, Scouts BSA older Scouts** pistol program is the NRA FIRST Steps Pistol Orientation.
- Scouts BSA older Scouts** can only participate in the NRA FIRST Steps Pistol Orientation at an accredited camp program (day camp, short-term camp, long-term camp) or a council organized one day event. Note there is no change to the use of pistols within Cowboy Action Programs.
Additional Venturing and Sea Scouting Range & Target Activity Program Changes
- Venturing and Sea Scouting rifle use is limited to the following types. (All other rifle or caliber types are prohibited.)
- .177 caliber air rifle, min 2.5 lbs. trigger pull (open, scope or dot sights);
- air, CO2, or precharged pneumatic rifle,
- .22 caliber rimfire^ long rifle or short rifle (breech-loading, single shot, bolt action or repeater bolt action with box magazine), min 3 lbs. trigger pull.
- Muzzle loading rifle;
- Lever action rifles as part of an approved Cowboy Action Program at an accredited camp program (day camp, short-term camp, long-term camp) or a council organized one day event.
- Hunting is no longer part of the Venturing program. Venturing youth may continue to take part in Hunters Education courses.
- Unit-level sponsored/planned Venturing and Sea Scouting pistol programs are prohibited.
- Effective September 1, 2024, the Venturing and Sea Scouting pistol program is the NRA FIRST Steps Pistol Orientation.
- Venturers and Sea Scouts can only participate in the NRA FIRST Steps Pistol Orientation at an accredited camp program (day camp, short-term camp, long-term camp) or a council organized one day event. Note there is no change to the use of pistols within Cowboy Action Programs.
- Venturing and Sea Scouting may no longer use muzzle loading pistols anywhere within Scouting.
*Some states, counties, or other jurisdictions may regulate BB guns as firearms depending on their design and capabilities. Councils must review and follow any local regulations before conducting programs.
**Older Scouts BSA youth are age 13 and have completed eighth grade or 14 years old and up.
^Tubular not allowed and higher capacity magazines may not be loaded with more than 5 rounds.
As a longtime volunteer that has been led to step up into this arena, I’m disappointed that we’re dumping down the program and conceding to the hoplophobes. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, give me a call to discuss.
As a longtime volunteer that has been led to step up into this arena, I’m disappointed that we’re dumping down the program and conceding to the hoplophobes. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, give me a call to discuss.