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What is Eagle Scout Alumni of Michigan?

The Mission of the Michigan Crossroads Council National Eagle Scout Association is to find, encourage, and reengage each Eagle Scout to passionately serve and give, to be an active resource for the council’s operation and program, to support the council’s mission and vision, and to help the council achieve its goals.

Why should you join?

The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) helps Eagle Scouts stay in touch with Scouting and hear positive stories about how Scouting transforms the lives of youth through developing their leadership skills, character, citizenship, and physical fitness. NESA is also an outlet for alumni to network and collaborate with one another, which may include establishing business connections and participating in service to the BSA or other organizations.

How do I join?

  • Earn the Rank of Eagle Scout (Anywhere within the Boy Scouts of America or Scouts BSA, at any point in history)
  • Have residence, work, volunteer, worship, or have BSA registration in the State of Michigan.
  • Fill out the short form and survey questionnaire below
  • Find us on Facebook at: or Search for “Eagle Scout Alumni of Michigan”

Eagle Scout Alumni of Michigan Registration Form

  • Please indicate your interest in the following opportunities: