Effective June 1, 2024, the Cub Scout program is updated. Please refer to the new handbooks, leaders resources, and other helpful sources specific to the updated changes. This page will be updated as new resources are released.
2024 Program Resources
The Cub Scout Leader Book has been updated for 2024-25 program year. To keep costs low and as many resources free the document is online PDF version and not a purchase item. We recommend that leaders bookmark it as reference material.

These short videos are meant for leaders new to each specific level, and they highlight the core badges of the program. Tips for working with the age level and overall planning are included.
To view each video, scroll down to the program specific areas below and click on the “Welcome Den Leader! 5min video” links.
Program Aids – By Position
- So You’re a New Den Leader
- Cub Scout Leader Resource Overview (printable with QR codes)
- Den Leader Handbook
- Den Advancement Charts – Printable (2024)
- How to Protect your Child from Child Abuse pamphlet
- Age-Appropriate Guidelines
- Cub Scout Outdoor Program Guidelines
- Required Adventures Chart At-a-glance for Ranks
- Outdoor Events for New Cub Scouts
- Tiger Scout, Wolf Scout, and Bear Scout Uniform Inspection Sheet
- Webelos Scout Uniform Inspection Checklist
- Guide to Working With Scouts With Special Needs and disABILITIES

- Age-Appropriate Guidelines
- Pack Meeting Planning Sheet
- Selecting Cub Scout Leadership
- Individual Campout Checklist for Pack Overnighter
- Pack Overnighter Site Approval Page
- Campfire Program Planner
- Cub Scout Day Camp Administration Guide, No. 430-338
- Resident Camping for Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, and Parents, No. 13-33814

- Welcome to Cub Scouts – fillable/printable info sheet for new families
- Welcome! New Cub Scout Family (brochure for families)
- Pack Membership Plan (2024 version)
- Activity Consent Form, No. 680-673
- Annual Health and Medical Record
- Meeting Place Inspection Checklist, No. 6140
- Selecting Cub Scout Leadership
- Pack Operating Budget Worksheet: PDF | Excel
- Planning Your Annual Pack Budget
- Unit Money-Earning Application, No. 34427
- Pack Leader Appreciation Certificate
Cub Scout Awards
Individual Scouts
Duty to God Religious Awards
Interpreter Strips, No. 512-019
Adult Leaders
Training Awards (Knots):
Den Chiefs
Den Chief Service Award Certificate
Cub Scout Den Chief Shoulder Cord
Webelos Den Chief Shoulder Cord