Effective June 1, 2024, the Cub Scout program is updated.  Please refer to the new handbooks, leaders resources, and other helpful sources specific to the updated changes.  This page will be updated as new resources are released.

2024 Program Resources

Cub Scout Leader Resources Online PDF

The Cub Scout Leader Book has been updated for 2024-25 program year. To keep costs low and as many resources free the document is online PDF version and not a purchase item. We recommend that leaders bookmark it as reference material.

Cub Scout Den Advancement Charts

Want a printable chart to keep track of advancements in your den meeting?  Download the updated version for all levels.

Cub Scout Rank comparison of requirement adventures

Are you a den leader that has multiple ranks in one den?  Cubmaster that wants to work on advancements during a Pack meeting?  The following volunteer-created series of charts maps requirements from different levels together to make your planning easier!

These short videos are meant for leaders new to each specific level, and they highlight the core badges of the program.  Tips for working with the age level and overall planning are included.

To view each video, scroll down to the program specific areas below and click on the “Welcome Den Leader! 5min video” links.

Adventure Requirements – Cross Level
(click to enlarge)

Adventure Electives – Cross Level
(click to enlarge)


Early summer is the best time to “promote” your dens to the next level.  Here is information on how to do that in ScoutBook Plus.