Every child wants to go to camp!  Be the one that helps make amazing memories happen for all of our Scouts.

To help get the word out that our Cub Scout Camping opportunities are amazing for 2023, volunteer to be your Pack’s liaison for all things Cub Camping.  Be a:


 Your job in the Pack will be to promote Cub/Webelos overnight camp, Family Camp, and Day Camp opportunities so that all Cubs have the chance to experience camp.  Duties include:

  • Help the Pack ensure camping is included in the Pack calendar
  • Attend trainings held by council to learn more about all of the opportunities
  • Coordinate a Pack Camp presentation to share all the great things about camp
  • Set camp attendance goals for your Pack
  • Attend an Adult Leader Overnight Camp Experience


The first 100 Cub Camping Chairs to lock in their summer camp dates and get their youth signed up will receive a
Camping Chait to commemorate their achievement!

Upcoming Training

The Cub Scout Camping Chair introduction webinar is FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 at NOON.  Sign up today for the webinar and to be your Pack’s Camping Chair!