Michigan Crossroads Council “Scout Me In” Family Scouting Program video
Production Credits
Produced by:
Michigan Crossroads Council
Visual Ronin Media LLC
Executive Producer:
Christopher Hopkins
Jane Parikh
Michael Kuentz
Director, Cinematographer & Editor:
Michael Kuentz
Field Audio Production:
Whetstone Productions
Professional Narration:
Dr. Shawne Duperon
Scout Narrators:
Holly Branson
Courtney Ehnis
Emma Hatrick
Breanna Jackson
Sara Mazurek
Rachel Washburn
Stock Images:
BSA Brand Center
Additional Photography:
Cub Scout Pack 1112
Dearborn, MI
Special Thanks:
Aaron Collins
Program Specialist
Rota-Kiwan Scout Reservation
Tim Branson
Ship & Crew 1148
The Michigan Crossroads Council is please to announce our launch of our Family Scouting video. Leaders and parents are encouraged to share this video with their friends, neighbors and co-workers. When sharing you are encouraged to add these hashtags — #ScoutMeIn #CubScouts #CubScouting #ScoutsBSA
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