A native of Memphis, Tennessee, Wally currently serves as Parish Associate for Memorial Presbyterian Church in Midland. Having served pastorates in Memphis; in Anderson, South Carolina; and in Overland Park, Kansas, Wally began ministry at Memorial Presbyterian Church as its Associate Pastor in 1989. His education includes a Bachelor of Arts degree from Rhodes College in Memphis; a Master of Divinity degree from Louisville Presbyterian Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky; and a Master of Arts degree from the University of Notre Dame. He received an honorary doctoral degree from Northwood University. He was ordained into the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.in 1975. He married Lindsay Abbott Mayton in 1973 in Dallas, Texas. Lindsay and Wally have five daughters, five amazing sons in law, and nine motivated grandchildren. His focus of interest is community service. Taking the witness of his faith beyond the church walls is a welcomed opportunity. He responds eagerly to ways of building character in children and youth and to sustaining a quality of life for all neighbors inclusively. He is grateful especially for the many role models of philanthropy evident in the neighborhood of the Great Lakes Bay Region. He believes citizenship implies a life of learning and responding. He is a forever student and activist.
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