Want to test drive Scouting before a full-year’s commitment? Want a way to offset the membership fee associated with the application? We have options that will allow you and your youth the ability to learn how amazing the Cub Scout program can be.
The 2024 membership fee is $170, which for some families is a large commitment, especially if there are multiple Scouts involved. Here is how the Trial Membership works.
Step 1:Â Once you know the Cub Scout Pack that you would like to join, fill out the form below requesting the Trial Membership.
Step 2: You will receive an email with a coupon code that can be then used in the Youth Application process.
Step 3: Complete the online Youth Application, entering the provided coupon code. Your Cub Scout Pack should provide you a QR Code or link to their Application page. If not, you can go to https://beascout.org, enter in your zip, find your Pack, and click APPLY NOW. NOTE: In order for the coupon to function correctly, you will need to uncheck the Scouts Life magazine option.
Step 4: Enjoy the fun of Cub Scouts until December 2, 2024! You will be asked to sell popcorn to offset the balance of the $170 membership fee.

How it works:
Upon completing the Online Application (with the discount coupon code), you will be asked to sell $450 in popcorn per registered child ($170 commission). If your Pack sells popcorn, you will be immediately included in their fall sale. If your unit does not sell popcorn, you will be contacted by a district popcorn lead about the options for selling. It’s easy! On average in Michigan, a Scout that sets up a table at approved stores will sell $65 in commission in one hour! Set up for two 2-hour storefront sales, and you should exceed your required amount.
Scouts not selling the full amount will be expired on December 2 unless the membership fee balance is paid.
You must agree that your family will sell $450 in popcorn for each Cub Scout taking part in this trial membership. You will need to agree that you will sell the popcorn or return it as directed prior to the dates specified based on your application date. You agree that if you do not sell your allotted amount, your memberships will be expired on or around December 2, 2024 unless you pay the balance of your application fee for $170/Scout. You are responsible for returning popcorn product in a timely fashion.