What is Trail to Eagle, you ask?
The Trail to Eagle (TTE) program is a Nationally accredited week-long specialty provisional camp: with a specifically designed program for older Scouts to give them the opportunity to work on the merit badges they need to finish the Eagle Scout rank requirements. We are not a session of resident summer camp; we are a one-week unique 100 % provisional camp with a highly structured program that is hosted at D-Bar-A Scout Ranch. But we are not meant to replace summer resident camp we are meant to compliment it.
Scouts must be 13 years old by September 1 of the camp year and be First Class rank at the time of attending camp. Trail to Eagle founder Ed Basar and his all-volunteer staff have been proud to sponsor this event for 30 years, and the staff continues to set the bar high every year.
Trail to Eagle is a week-long provisional camp, which means you can come as an individual Scout without your home troop.
When it all Began?
In July of 1994, the first Trail to Eagle (TTE) piolet program took place at D-Bar-A Scout Ranch, by Detroit Area Council. In 1995 staff advisor Tom Trainor asked the past Ranch Director Ed Basar to take over the program. Together they gathered up about 25 Scouters which included the Ranch support staff to make up the staff and they created the program as it is known today. The camp had 99 candidates and four troop colors. The staff came together and believed to bring to life the program vision that was seen by Tom and Ed. Today our staff continues to Believe and is made up of about 100 volunteer adult Scouters and eight troop colors. Our staff are all over 18 years of age and all have some type of experience in the merit badges they teach.
Over 3200 Eagle Candidates from 15 states, 39 Councils as well as from the Far East and Trans-Atlantic councils, have attended this unique, one of a kind program. We have had Scouts attend from Massachusetts, New York, Kentucky, Illinois, Philadelphia, Indiana, New Jersey, Maryland, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Hawaii, Ohio, and of course Scouts from nearly every corner of the Michigan have participated in this event. One of the largest attended camps had 191 candidates participate from six states, eleven different councils, including a candidate from Shanghai, China.
Over 64% of our Candidates have attained the rank of Eagle Scout and even more are still working on achieving this lofty goal. We have over 50 staff members who have been with the program for 10 years or more. There is a ratio of approximately one staff member for every two Candidates.
What is the Program?
All participants are called “Eagle Candidates” and will be divided and assigned into provisional units, and will be based out of the cabins at D-Bar-A Scout Ranch. Overseeing the Scouts will be at least three of our staff Scoutmasters and Junior Assistant Scoutmaster’s (JASMs). Many of our staff are Eagle Scouts, and in most cases have gone through the TTE program. All meals will be served in the Dining Hall (Wyckoff Lodge).
Trail to Eagle typically will offer over 70 merit badges, including Eagle required badges from our diversely experienced adult staff. Badges are Scheduled by our staff after selections are sent back by the Candidates. You can also do “See Counselor” Merit badges throughout the week. Candidates can take up to seven hours of class time per day. All Candidates must take a minimum of six hours of classes per day.
During their week at Trail to Eagle, candidates earn, on average, over six merit badges each. The candidates have earned, on average, over 1,000 merit badges each year with an average of over six merit badges per Scout. However, TTE is not a merit badge mill, but rather a highly structured week that allows ample time to work on merit badges, including partials that are brought to camp. A Scout must earn the merit badges by coming to camp prepared with all their pre-requisites required for each merit badge they take; they are not just given a badge. Partials are possible for the unprepared Scout, being Prepared is the key – by reading the book, doing the pre-requisites and bringing show and other items required of them to camp.
We offer classes in: Aviation, Fish & Wildlife, Radio, Robotics, Fly Fishing, Cooking, Golf, Mining in Society, Geocaching, Movie Making, Photography, Metalwork, Welding, Digital Technology, Engineering, Wood Carving, Journalism, Horsemanship, Search and Rescue, Railroading, Animal Science, and so many more.
Wile the emphasis is on earning merit badges, there will be many other high adventure activities which all add to the fun. These include; Flag ceremonies, a water ball competition, “Basar ball”, Scout Jeopardy, chess tournament, a camp wide Vespers service, mile swim, and the every-popular Order of the Arrow ice cream social, just to name a few.
Also, throughout the week, the Eagle Candidates are competing for the highly coveted Troop Spirit Award. Troops demonstrate their spirit with cheers and songs performed at assemblies before and during all meals. Wearing proper uniform throughout the week, watching and participation in competition and troop activities, showing courtesy to other troops and shows good sportsmanship, as a group shows good understanding of the Scout Oath and Law, and other things.
One of the most sought-after distinctions is the George Thomas Award. This award is presented to Eagle Candidates who exhibit the same spirit and enthusiasm that this outstanding Scouter it is named after showed for the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Upon Completion of the Trail to Eagle Camp, there is a special honors ceremony for the Eagle Candidates. This special event is open to and highly encouraged for all parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends to attend.
The Trail to Eagle program has been featured in various news publications, including Scouting Mag and The County Press.
Questions? Contact the Trail to Eagle team at trailtoeagle@michiganscouting.org for more information.

Trail to Eagle Camp Founder, Ed Basar
Ed Basar was the founder and was the Camp Director of the Nationally Acclaimed MCC Trail to Eagle program for 28 years, providing the opportunity for Scouts to become Eagle.
He earned Eagle Scout, as well as the Explorer’s Silver Award, the Silver Beaver, Silver Antelope, NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award, Lutheran Church Lam Award, Scoutmaster Award of Merit, Scouters Key, District Award of Merit, and the George Meany Award. He was also recognized Nationally with the Certificate of Merit for Life Saving and was a James E West Fellow and a vigil Honor member of the Order of Arrow.
His Scouting career included 20 years as the Ranch Director at D-Bar-A, 27 years as the Camp Director of Trail to Eagle Program, 10 years on the National Aquatics committee, 40 years on the National Camping School aquatics staff at the regional level, 19 plus years as the Director of the Core 5 swimming program, waterfront director for the Michigan International Camporee, NOAC staff for 13 years, 6 years National Jamboree Staff, Staff at Charles Howell Scout reservation, and past Scoutmaster of Troop 3 for 21 years and Troop 435 for 18 years. He has co-chaired the first three rendezvous.
Ed was also a retired middle school teacher and coach after 40 years in the Detroit School system. He has been honored as the middle school physical education teacher of the State of Michigan in 2000. He has also earned the Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award for outstanding volunteer work with the youth in the inner City of Detroit. Also awarded the Detroit Board of Education achievement award in 2002.
Ed had four words for both his fellow Scouters and aspiring Scouts:
“You’ve Got to Believe!”
And “believe” Ed certainly did. The success of the program is undeniable. Over 63% of Trail to Eagle Candidates have become Eagle Scouts, this has given him the opportunity to attend over 400 Eagle Court of Honor of Trail to Eagle Candidates in the past 27 years.
The Staff of Trail to Eagle will continue to hold the memory of Ed in our hearts and “Believe” so we can help more Scouts reach the rank of Eagle Scout.

Ed Basar
October 25, 1940 – November 7, 2022