Please welcome and congratulate Mishigami Lodge’s first Lodge Advisor, Rick Todd! Rick Todd is a true scouter who has guided and assisted youth in multiple positions within Scouting and the Order of the Arrow.
For over forty years Rick Todd has been an industry leader in the area of electronics repair, sales and support and a community leader working with Junior High and High School youth in an academic, social mentoring and scout-based environment. Rick has lived by the ideals of Scouting and the Order of the Arrow (OA) a goodly portion of his life. Rick has served tirelessly in Scout service at the Troop, District and Council levels. His commitment to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow are commendable. Serving in multiple capacities on Wood Badge staff; as a Camp Director; JLT/NYLT Course Director; multiple NOAC staffs; OA Lodge Adviser Gabe-Shi-Win-Gi-Ji-Kens; OA Associate Adviser Agaming Maangowaan; OA Lodge Adviser Agaming Maangowaan; and through the merger of multiple Scout Councils and OA Lodges, Rick has served the Scouts and OA members of the Michigan Crossroads Council well.
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