Google and Apple ID Options Now Available for Member/Volunteer Logins

We continue to find ways to improve experiences for members and volunteers with our tools and applications. One of those ways was to provide them with the ability for one username and password for signing in. We are now enhancing and simplifying logging in through the release of an integrated use of someone’s existing Google or Apple IDs!

You can use your Apple or Google login ID to login to Scoutbook, Internet Advancement, the BSA forums or  This means that members and volunteers can now access our tools and applications by using their Google login or Apple ID.

To get started, navigate to any tool you use:; etc. and click the “Log In” button. Once there, you will see options to use your current username and password OR you can choose to sign in with your Google or Apple ID information.

After a few, quick steps you’re in! Now, you have one less username and password to remember.