Merit Badge Counselor Annual Renewal

Merit Badge Counselors are required to renew their MB Counselor status annually to indicate their desire to continue in that important role. In past years, that renewal took place in May and June.

For 2024, that renewal will take place on the date of your primary registration.

  • If your primary registration is through a unit, your Counselor renewal date will be the same date as your primary unit renewal date. At that time, make sure that you renew BOTH your primary position(s) with the unit, AND your MB Counselor position.
  • If your primary registration is at the District or Council level for District or Council position(s), then renewal as a Counselor will be at the time of that renewal. At that time, make sure that you renew BOTH your primary position(s) with the Council or District, AND your MB Counselor position.
  • If you no longer want to be registered in a unit or at the District or Council level and still want to be a MB Counselor, please note there is a $25 registration fee for MB counselors.

Counselors will receive a notification from My.Scouting when their renewal is due.

As always, you may, at any time, add or delete MB subjects by submitting a Counselor Information form (form 34405) to your district’s Merit Badge Coordinator (MB Dean). We have provided a link where you can identify additions or deletions to get updated ahead of your membership renewal.

The form below is only required if you want to make changes to your Merit Badge Counselor profile.
If no changes are requested, please do not fill out the form below.

Council Advancement Committee,
Michigan Crossroads Council

Annual Update has closed