Wednesday, October 22, 2025 | 5:30PM | JW Marriot

235 Louis Street NW | Grand Rapids

Leadership is a lifelong quest. For decades strong caring leadership has been at the core of our wonderful region’s growth and quality of life. Enhancing a culture of leadership among our citizens will enrich our communities in multiple ways.

Join us for the annual community gathering to celebrate, recognize, and learn about leadership. Our evening begins with a social reception, followed by dinner and program. Each year we will celebrate, meet new friends, and network with other leaders from all corners of our community. During dinner we will recognize local leaders for their great impact, showcasing leadership in action in our community today. Together, we will learn from distinguished guests on their insights on leadership.

Proceeds from the event will help all children in our community gain access to the leadership programs of Scouting America here in Michigan, and the leadership programs for all children K-12 at Adventure Point.

Join with other leaders from across our community at the “Leadership Dinner” this October!

For more information contact
Joe Stocchero at
or 616-794-6688

Tina Freese Decker
CEO – Corewell Health

James C Hunter
Best Selling Author
Leadership Trainer and Consultant


Birgit Klohs


Wayman and Dinah Britt
Ryan and Jessica Cook
Matt and Stephanee Cox
Hon. Betsy and Dick DeVos
David and Leslie Hooker
JC and Tammy Huizenga
Mike and Sue Jandernoa
John and Nancy Kennedy
Birgit Klohs and Gregory Northrup
Kent and Susan Riddle
David and Carol Van Andel
Tom and Laurie Welch
Jim and Sue Williams
Dick and Barb Young


$50,000 – Premier Event Sponsor
Listed as a Premier Event level sponsor on website, promotional and presentation materials at event. Name/Logo signage in all event areas, full page ad in the event program,  four “Leadership” section tables (8 seats each) at dinner and an invitation for all guests to the Sponsor Reception. Sponsorship also includes a private meeting with Mike Manazir for your Board/Executive Team,  and a complementary facility rental at Adventure Point Grand Rapids for your next offsite meeting or event!

$30,000 – Dinner Sponsor
Listed as a Premier Event level sponsor on website, promotional and presentation materials at event. Name/Logo signage in all event areas, full page ad in the event program,  four “Leadership” section tables (8 seats each) at dinner and an invitation for all guests to the Sponsor Reception. Sponsorship also includes a private meeting with Mike Manazir for your Board/Executive Team,  and a complementary facility rental at Adventure Point Grand Rapids for your next offsite meeting or event!

$20,000 – Reception Hosts
Listed as a host of the Reception on promotional and presentation materials at event. Name/ Logo signage in at the reception. Includes two “Leadership” section tables (8 seats) at dinner and an invitation for all guests to the Sponsor Reception. Sponsorship also includes a private meeting with Mike Manazir for your Board/Executive Team,  and a complementary facility rental at Adventure Point Grand Rapids for your next offsite meeting or event!

$10,000 – Leadership Table Sponsor (Limited number available)
Listed as a host of the Reception on promotional and presentation materials at event. Name/Logo signage in at the reception. Includes one “Leadership” section tables (8 seats) at dinner and an invitation for all guests to the Sponsor Reception. Sponsorship also includes a complementary facility rental at Adventure Point Grand Rapids for your next offsite meeting or event!

$6,000 — Premium Table Sponsor
Includes “Premium Table” level sponsorship recognition at dinner, one table (8 seats) with upgraded table location at dinner, an invitation for six guests to main event reception, and an invitation for two to the Sponsor Reception.

$3,000 — Table Sponsor
Includes table sponsorship recognition at dinner, one table (8 seats), includes main reception and dinner.

$300 – Dinner Ticket
Includes one ticket to reception and dinner (seating with other parties not guaranteed).

All sponsorships will be made through a qualified 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax deductible to the full extent of federal and state tax laws less direct benefits received.
