Welcome!  Bienvenue! Willkommen!

A Special Welcome to our Neighbors in Scouts Canada! We encourage you to learn about
Opportunities at our Camps and Events

Scouting is worldwide; all Scouts around the world share in the brotherhood of Scouting.  The MCC International Committee hopes to provide information and opportunities for Scouts of all ages to connect with their peers worldwide.  Below you will find opportunities and awards that will broaden Scouts and Scouters experiences.


For more information, please contact us at international@michiganscouting.org.
For International Scouting information that is not yet on this web page, go to the MCC International Scouting Facebook


Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI)

World Scouting’s Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) and Jamboree-on-the-Internet (JOTI) are held every year on the 3rd weekend of October, which is October 17-19 in 2025. In the Jamboree on the Air, Cubs, Scouts, and Venturers around the world communicate with each other on amateur radio. In the Jamboree on the Internet, they communicate with each other and do activities together over the Internet. MCC Jamboree-on-the-Air events are usually planned and organized by camporees, camps, and districts working with amateur radio clubs. MCC Jamboree-on-the-Internet events are usually planned and organized by Individual dens, packs, troops, crews, and ships, groups of units in the same community or with the same chartered partner, and districts. They are great recruiting activities”. There is no charge to participate in JOTA, JOTI, or both. JOTA/JOTI patches for the year your unit participates can be ordered from an MCC Scout Shop and presented to participants at unit award ceremonies.

To learn about JOTA/JOTI weekends, go to World Scouting’s JOTA/JOTI info page. If your unit is interested in hosting a JOTI event, please download the JOTI event guide. If an MCC camp, camporee, or district is interested in hosting a JOTA event, please download the JOTA event guide. The current year’s JOTA/JOTI emblem can be pre-ordered at the Scout shop website.

Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI)

Jamboree-on-the-Internet, or JOTI, is an annual international Scouting event sponsored by the World Organization of the Scout Movement. Each year, during the third weekend in October, Scouts from around the world gather online to learn about other cultures and the activities in which other Scouts participate. They communicate with each other using Internet-enabled devices such as computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. Last year, JOTA-JOTI had over 1.5 million Scouts and leaders participate in more than 160 countries! [READ MORE]

Jamboree on the Air (JOTA)

Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is the largest Scouting event in the world. It is held annually the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation, and in your own community. This jamboree requires no travel, other than to a nearby amateur radio operator’s ham shack. Many times you can find the hams will come to you by setting up a station at your Scout camporee, at the park down the block, or perhaps at a ham shack already set up at your council’s camp. [READ MORE]


The BSA has a long history of supporting refugees who have been forced to move from their home countries to neighboring countries and of supporting both refugees and other foreign national who are living in the U.S.A.  Link here for BSA information on Supporting Refugees & Foreign Nationals in the BSA.  Link here for WELCOMING REFUGEES AND FOREIGN NATIONALS INTO THE BSA AND THE BSA ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM.



Take a Troop or Crew trip to Canada Camp with Canadian Scouts

The easiest way for Michigan Crossroads Council troops and crews to experience International Scouting is to spend a weekend camping with Canadian Scouts at a cross-border international camporee.  Most of these camporees are in Canada and involve international travel. The two annual spring cross-border international camporees in southwest Ontario, CanAm and DIBC, were canceled in 2020, 2021, and 2022 because of Covid-19, but they resumed operating in 2023 and 2024 and are back to normal.

View OPPORTUNITIES FOR MICHIGAN CROSSROADS COUNCIL TROOPS AND CREWS TO CAMP WITH CANADIAN SCOUTS (v.1-9-25) for information on Scouting in Canada and a list of cross-border weekend international camporees, their dates and locations, and links to their websites.

View DOCUMENTS AND PROCEDURES FOR MICHIGAN CROSSROADS COUNCIL CONTINGENTS DRIVING TO AND FROM ACTIVITIES IN CANADA (v.4-9-24) for information on border crossing documents and procedures and driving in Canada.

Recently, Scouts Canada announced new requirements that Scouts BSA troops and crews must meet to participate in Scouts Canada events.




Every summer, countries around the world hold national jamborees and there are international jamborees in different parts of the United Kingdom.  All of them welcome international participants, especially contingents from the USA. Jamboree organizers will usually be able to arrange a host troop that will share their campsite with your contingent and lend you group camping equipment. In addition to jamborees, there are many Scout centers throughout Europe. Some of these offer dormitory facilities and food service so you don’t need to bring tents or cooking equipment. A troop or crew trip to another country can provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience for your Scouts and Venturers. In the document TROOPS/CREWS CAN PARTICIPATE IN JAMBOREES AND STAY AT SCOUT CENTERS (v.1.11.25) you will find the latest information on jamborees and international Scout Centers in other countries. The MCC International Scouting Committee will be glad to assist you in your planning.


The Michigan International Camporee (MIC) is the largest council-run multinational Scout event in North America.  In 1997, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016, contingents of Scouts and leaders and volunteer staff members from countries around the world came to Michigan for a hosting week with Michigan Crossroads Council troops and crews and then a week camping together with Scouts, leaders, and staff members from the Michigan Crossroads Council and other BSA councils in a miniature World Scout Jamboree.  Click here for a pdf file showing the flags of the 44 countries that sent contingents to past MICs and the years they participated.

All 6 MICs were held at Northwoods Scout Reservation. MIC 2016 was the final Scout event at Northwoods before the camp was closed   There were plans to hold the next MIC at a different camp.  However, Covid-19 and other concerns caused MIC to be placed on hiatus.  You can see what happens at MICs by watching videos prepared by the MIC media teams for the final closing amphitheater shows.  Click here for a video shown at MIC 2016 reflecting on the 6 MICs at Northwoods.  Click here for a video showing the highlights of MIC 2016.  Click here for photos of MIC 2016 International Festival Day/Visitors Day.



2027 World Scout Jamboree
in Poland (ages 14 to 17)

World Scout Jamboree is held once every four years. The last World Jamboree was held from August 1 to 12, 2023, in South Korea.  The next World Jamboree will be held from July 30 to August 8, 2017, in Poland.  This will be the 1st World Jamboree in eastern Europe since the 4th World Jamboree in Hungary in 1933.  World Jamboree youth participants are 14 but not yet 18 years old at the time of the jamboree.  Any registered member of the BSA who will be in that age range during the 2027 World Scout Jamboree in Poland will be eligible to become a participant. Anyone who will be 21 or older will be eligible to apply to serve as a BSA contingent unit leader. Anyone who will be 18 or older will be eligible to apply to serve on the jamboree staff = International Service Team = IST.  Expect detailed information about the BSA contingent to the 2027 World Jamboree in early 2025.

In August 2024, World Scouting selected Denmark as the host country for the 2031 World Scout Jamboree. Here are links to the Danish proposal and the announcement of the selection.

2025 World Scout Moot in Portugal (ages 18 to 25)

Participants in World Scout Jamborees are ages 14 through 17 at the time of the jamboree.  They participate in the jamboree experience, including travel to and from the jamboree and sightseeing, as members of jamboree troops, everyone from the same country.  On the other hand, participants in World Scout Moots are ages 18 through 25 at the time of the moot.  As “adults.” they arrange their own transportation to and from the moot and plan and organize their own sightseeing.  Moot participants from different countries are formed into international patrols well before the moot and meet virtually as a patrol to make patrol plans.  World Scout Moots typically have patrol activities in different locations during the first part of the moot and then have all the patrols gather at a central location for the second part of the moot.

The next World Scout Moot will be held from July 25 to August 3, 2025, in Portugal. Participants must be born between July 26, 1999, and July 25, 2007. Anyone who will be over 25 can apply to be a member of the moot’s International Service Team.

To learn more, go to the website for the USA contingent to the 2025 World Scout Moot and scroll down and read the information that is there. When you click on “How Much Does it Cost?” it states “the USA Contingent Base Fee will be $2200 for participants and $2000 for IST. This does not include air travel and transportation related costs to and from the Moot.”

Then, scroll back to the top, click on OFFICIAL EVENT WEBSITE to reach the World Scout Moot website and move your cursor to the headings “About the Moot,” “Programme,” and “Documents.” Each one has a dropdown with links to information on different topics.  If you decide that you are interested in becoming part of the U.S, contingent, return to the top of the contingent website, click on SIGN UP FOR INFORMATION and complete and submit the form.

If you have decided to submit your application and first payment. go to the USA contingent to the 2025 World Scout Moot website and click on REGISTER NOW. It is important that you understand that: “This application to the USA Contingent to the 2025 World Scout Moot requires $150 non-refundable deposit.”  It is important that you confirm that registration is still open before you make a deposit.  The next World Scout Moot after the 2025 moot in Portugal is in 2029 in Taiwan.


Opportunities for MCC Venturers and Scouters at least 18 years old to serve on the staff of a Jamboree in another country

Serve on the staff of a jamboree in another country (ages 18 up)

Any registered BSA member who will be 18 or older at the time of a jamboree held by a National Scout Organization that is a member of the World Association of the Scout Movement can apply to be a member of the jamboree’s International Service Team (IST).  There is usually an IST fee.  View information on upcoming jamborees.


 World Conservation Awards for Scouts BSA, Venturers and Sea Scouts

The World Conservation Award involves both advancement and project work to encourage all youth members to think globally and act locally to preserve and improve our environment.

The application is the second page of the requirements. To purchase the emblem, take the completed and signed application to your local MCC Scout Shop.

NOTE: Effective the 2024-2025 program year, Cub Scouts no longer earn the World Conservation Award.  The requirements for the award have been built into the elective “Champions of Nature” adventure loops/pins at each level.

Lion | Tiger | Wolf | Bear | Webelos | Arrow of Light

 International Spirit Award for Youth and Adults

The International Spirit Award is a temporary emblem that is awarded to registered youth and adults who have completed the necessary requirements, have gained a greater knowledge of international Scouting, and have developed a greater appreciation and awareness of different cultures and countries. Application forms with different sets of requirements exist for

Cub Scouts    |     Scouts BSA/Sea Scouts/Venturers   |     Scouters

The 10 Experience Requirements on page 2 of the applications are the same for everyone.  Cub Scouts select 2, Scouts BSA, Sea Scouts, and Venturers select 3, and adult leader Scouters select 4.  Youth should select experience requirements that fit their ages.

Completed youth applications must be signed by the unit leader.  Completed Scouter applications must be signed by an MCC International Committee member ( email international@michiganscouting.org).  To purchase the emblem, take the completed and signed application to your local MCC Scout Shop or purchase online.

Click here for a plan for members of a group of Scouts BSA to earn the World Conservation Award and the International Spirit Award in one program year.

 Messengers of Peace for Youth and Adults

Scouts are already doing great things in their community. Through good turns and community service, Scouts are making the world a better place and spreading a culture of peace. The Messengers of Peace program aims to highlight this work.

In the summer of 2023, Scouting America introduced a new enhanced Messengers of Peace program. You can learn about it and its levels at Aaron on Scouting’s Getting to know the enhanced Messengers of Peace recognition program.

Both registered youth and registered adults can earn the Messengers of Peace Champion Award or the Messengers of Peace Ambassador Award, and the same service project planned and led by a youth can both qualify as an Eagle project and be used to earn either MoP Champion or  MoP Ambassador.

For much more information, go to Scouting America’s new Messengers of Peace web page or view the Messengers of Peace guide.

Adults interested in becoming Messengers of Peace Project Advisors should send an email message to international@michiganscouting.org.

 International Campfire Talks

International BSA’s “International Campfire Talks” are presentations by young Scout leaders from different countries about their country and Scouting in their country. These International Campfire Talks are very informative, To reach videos of past International Campfire Talks from Algeria, Brazil, Ireland, Ivory Coast, Peru, The Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe, click here. Cubs or Scouts can complete International Spirit Award optional Experience Requirement 7 “Research Scouting in another country. Make a presentation at a unit meeting or district roundtable.” by each selecting a different country that has an International Campfire Talk, watching it, and reporting on it at a den meeting or troop meeting. Scroll up to learn about the International Spirit Award.

Interpreter Strip for Youth and Adults

An Interpreter Strip is a small patch indicating that the wearer knows a language other than English. The language he or she speaks appears on the patch in that language, “Español” for Spanish, “日本語” for Japanese, etc., so speakers of that language can easily spot a willing interpreter. For a discussion of how to earn an Interpreter Strip, click here. To see the 19 different strips that can be ordered at a MCC Scout Shop, click here.  To learn more about the Interpreter Strip including how to special order an Interpreter Strip for a language that is not on that list, click here.

International Scouter’s Award for Adults

The International Scouter’s Award encourages Scouters to broaden their involvement in Scouting through participation in world Scouting activities and recognizes Scouters for their contributions to world Scouting. Click here for more details.

There is a great YouTube video on this award by Scouter Stan.  International Scouter’s Award YouTube Video.

World Scouting emblem and logo

Learn more about the World Scout branding history and new brand identities


For any questions on the details bulleted below, please contact the MCC International Committee by sending an email to international@michiganscouting.org and a committee member will get back to you.

  • For additional information about the International Scouting Opportunities above
  • To obtain International Representative approval on an award application
  • If you are 18 or older and interested in learning how you can become a member of the committee