George Meany Dinner | February 27, 2025
6pm Reception | 6:45pm Dinner
Proceeds from this dinner will help fund delivery of our youth career exploration program “Exploring” to young men and women in Michigan interested in union careers. Your consideration of support for these critical youth programs is truly appreciated.
It is estimated that one out of every four top unit leaders of Cub Scout packs, Scout troops, and Venturing crews in the United States is a union member. That’s a lot of union Scout leaders. Thousands of other union members serve youth through Scouting America in local districts and councils, and on the regional and national levels.
In recognition of their contributions to America’s future, the AFL-CIO Executive Council established the George Meany Award. It recognizes union members who have made a significant contribution to the youth of their communities by volunteering in the programs of Scouting America. The award is named for the AFL-CIO’s first president, who gave strong support to Scouting over the years.
The award, a recognition approved by the national AFL-CIO Executive Council, gives organized labor an opportunity to recognize members for their service to youth, and also makes the public aware of the important role union members play in the community.
George Meany Award Nomination
The George Meany Award is a national recognition approved by the AFL-CIO Executive Council. It may be presented to any adult union member who has made a significant contribution to the youth of their community through Scouting. Each AFL-CIO city central labor council and each AFLCIO state federation is permitted to give one award annually.
UAW Region 1
27800 George Merrelli Dr
Warren, MI 48092
If you have questions or would like more information about the George Meany Dinner, please contact Janssen Lemley at 313-752-1245 or send her an email at .
2025 Honorees
Ron Bieber | UAW 659
Raymond Pecoraro | UAW Region 1
Roger Ward | USW 1299
Eric Sansburn | LIUNA 1098
Travis Babcock | POLC – Ottawa County Deputies Association
Harold Rahrig, Jr. | UAW 600
Jason Cousino | UWUA 223
Honorary Co-Chairs
Ron Bieber, UAW 659 | Michigan AFL – CIO
Steve Claywell, IBEW 445 | Michigan Building and Trades Council
Eric Welsby, LIUNA 1098
Derek Dobies, LIUNA 499 | Michigan AFL – CIO
Conner Wood | Michigan AFL – CIO
Joe Auito, UAW Local 412 | Retired
Jay Bottorff, Teamsters 1038 | Perfection Bakeries
Becky Baldwin | Michigan Nurses Association
Sponsorship Opportunities
Event will be “Presented by” sponsoring organization. Groups receive 2 tables of 8, as well as an outside back cover ad [$1,000 value], and logos in any A/V presentations.
Sponsor receives identification at buffet, 2 tables of 8, inside front cover ad [$600 value], logo in A/V presentations
Sponsor receives identification at bar, 2 tables of 8, inside back cover ad [$600 value], logo in A/V presentations
Groups receive 2 tables of 8 as well as a full page ad [$350 value] and logos in any A/V presentations.
Groups would receive 8 seats at a table as well as a full page ad [$350 value] and logos in any A/V presentations.
Groups receive two tickets as well as a full page ad [$350 value] and logos in any A/V presentations
Receives 1 ticket as well as a half page ad [$250 value] and logos in any A/V presentations
Program Ad Book
Advertise in our Program Ad Book and show support for our honoree whether you can attend or not
$1000 Outside Back Cover
$800 Centerfold
$600 Inside Covers
$350 Full Page
$250 Half Page
$175 Quarter Page
Ad must be submitted in JPEG/PDF to or via the Sponsorship/Registration form on this page.
Registration for this event has closed.