Go camping with MCC! Cub Camping Guidelines are changing September 1st. Guideline changes can sometimes lead to confusion, but the good news is that camping within our council has never been easier. ALL of Michigan Crossroads Council’s camps are approved for Cub camping without needing to fill out a form!
Effective Sept. 1, 2023, Cub Scout packs who are conducting their own overnight camping activity may now camp up to two consecutive nights. Cub Scout packs who are conducting their own overnight camping activities must continue to have at least one registered adult leader who is trained in Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO), oversees the planning and is in attendance for the pack campout. This updated policy also applies to Webelos and Arrow of Light dens who may conduct den coordinated campouts.
The policy will be updated in the Guide to Safe Scouting and other resources on September 1. An updated version of the BALOO training will also be released at this time.
If you choose to camp at non-MCC locations you will need to fill out the Pack Overnight Campout Site Appraisal Form. (MCC camps are already approved).
If you have questions, please contact your Unit Commissioner or District Executive. General questions can be submitted to the following email addrerss: communications@michiganscouting.org
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