2024 MCC Commissioner Charter
This is a must read for Commissioner Roles, Responsibilities, Organization and Planning
As commissioners, we share the BSA’s mission: To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. To ensure every member of the BSA has a great Scouting experience. By supporting unit growth and retention through the journey to excellence.
By being a Friend to the Unit the MCC Commissioner Team will reengage and reinvigorate delivering the promise of Scouting through alignment with the leaders of the Council, Divisions and Districts to support and sustain our Units and their leaders.
The purpose of commissioning is to keep Units operating at maximum efficiency so they can deliver a quality program to a growing membership. The Commissioner’s role is to develop strength within the Unit by providing program resources and acting as the liaison between the Unit and the District, Division and Council. This helps Units provide the best possible Scouting program, which ultimately helps assure that individual Scouts have the best opportunity to
- develop good character traits
- participate and use good citizenship skills
- practice personal
In general, the goals of Commissioner Service through the execution of a successful unit service plan are to:
- Help see that the objectives of Scouting are being carried
- Assure that each unit has strong, competent unit
- Promote regular meetings of unit
- Encourage growth in youth
- Help assure that Scouts and units take an active part in District and Council
- Foster a positive relationship between the chartered organization and its unit
This unit service program is invaluable to both the chartered organizations and the local Council when it is thoroughly understood and wisely administered.