Upcoming Events at the Ranch

Steak & Shakedown
April 5, 2025

Scrub and Grub (formerly I Love My Camp!)
April 12, 2025
Scouts, Scouters

Backpacking Training for Philmont
April 11-13, 2025
Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts

Horseback riding at D-Bar-A ranch Michigan

Spring Fling Ranch Ride
April 12 and April 13, 2025

Mix Fix
May 10, 2025
Adults, Scouters

 Cavalcade Training for Philmont
May 16-18, 2025
Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts

Trail to Eagle
June 29 – July 5, 2025
Scouts BSA

Cub Scout Summer Camp
June 18-21, 2025
Cub Scouts

Cub Scout Summer Camp
June 25-28, 2025
Cub Scouts

Scouts BSA Summer Camp
June 15 – July 21 (2 sessions), 2025
Scouts BSA

Ranch Hand Camp
June 23 – July 20 (4 sessions), 2025
Scouts BSA, Public (session 4)

Horseback riding - Ranch Ride at D-Bar-A Ranch

Aloha Summer Ranch Ride
August 16 and August 17, 2025

 Cavalcade Training for Philmont
September 12-14, 2025
Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts

Color Ranch Ride
October 11 and October 12, 2025

Horseback riding at D-Bar-A Ranch - Holiday Ride

Holiday Ranch Ride
December 6 and December 7, 2025

Haunted Forest
October 18, 2025

D-Bar-A Ranch | Metamora, MI

Since 1950, D-Bar-A-Scout Ranch has been providing quality scouting experiences for Scouts, Schools, and Churches from Southeast Michigan and around the Midwest. D-Bar-A is located about an hour north of Detroit, MI or 50 minutes west of the bridge that connects Sarnia, ON and Port Huron, MI.  The ranch consists of just under 1,800 acres of breathtaking wilderness, 3 spring fed lakes, a herd of horses, longhorn cattle, and other livestock, 28 heated cabins with kitchens, a large central kitchen and 3 dining pavilions, and 11 tent sites. Program facilities include a 32 foot climbing tower, Bouldering Wall, two shooting sports areas to accommodate BB Guns, Archery, Sling Shots, Rifles, Shot Guns, Pistols, and Muzzleloaders, 2 firebowls, Fishing, an observatory, several Nature Centers, and 11 miles of the Pedro hiking trail system.  Equestrian camps and ride opportunities exist throughout the year for a unique camp experience.

D-bar-A Scout Ranch
880 E. Sutton Road | Metamora, MI 48455

Ranch Foreman: Joe Smith
Camp Director: Marie Becvar
Head Ranger – Steve Bailey
Ranger – Stephen McGinty
Camp Chair: Tom Griffin
Properties Chair: Don Balmes
Program Chair: Jasmine Crampton


The D-Bar-A Scout Ranch Weekend Programs consist of a variety of horseback riding, shooting sports (archery, BB guns, slingshots, rifle, shotgun, and muzzle loaders), swimming, boating, climbing, astronomy and more!  We are your premier equestrian camp and more!

We try our best to have as many programs available as possible each weekend, but unfortunately cannot always guarantee all of them at this point. So, please call or email the Camp Director.

We will open the gate and the main office at 6pm on Fridays to begin checking in units. Please arrive no later than 9pm. If you foresee a late arrival, or need to make other arrangements, please let us know in advance by calling our Ranch Manager at (517) 940-4699  One Unit Leader must check-in at the Martin Building (the first building with the red roof) upon arrival to camp.

At the time of check in, you will review the camp policies and make any final arrangements for program activities. You will also select a check out time so the Ranger or Campmaster can review the facility prior to your departure on Sunday.

*A minimum number of 8 participants must be signed up for the weekend for a program to run due to costs

Our current group rate pricing for all of our amazing programs can be viewed or downloaded below.

D-Bar-A Group Rate Pricing

Activity/ItemGroup SizeDurationScout PriceNon-Profit PriceStandard PriceNote
Corral RideMin. 8/Max. 20 1 hour $15.00$20.00$25.00Per Person, Per Ride (Age 7+)
Trail RideMin. 8/Max. 20 1.5-2 hours $35.00$40.00$45.00Per Person, Per Ride (Age 10+)
Hay RideMin. 8/Max. 20 1 hour $5.00$6.00$7.00Per Person, Per Ride
ArcheryMin. 8/Max. 361 hour $5.00$6.00$7.00Per Person, per Hour
BB GunsMin. 8/Max. 361 hour $5.00$6.00$7.00Per Person, per Hour
Rifle (.22)Min. 8/Max. 361 hour $10.00$12.00$14.00Per Person; includes Ammo (50)
Muzzle Loading RifleMax. 81 hour $25.00$30.00$35.00Per Person; includes Ammo (5)
Shotgun Shooting (20 ga)Max. 81 hour $20.00$25.00$30.00Per Person; includes Ammo (25)
SlingshotsMin. 8/Max. 361 hour $3.00$4.00$5.00Per Person, per Hour
BoatingMin. 8/Max. 75 4 hours $5.00$6.00$7.00Per Person; Scouting Units require a BSA Swim Test
SwimmingMin. 8/Max. 75 4 hours $5.00$6.00$7.00Per Person; Scouting Units require a BSA Swim Test
Boating AND SwimmingMin. 8/Max. 75 4 hours $8.00$10.00$12.00Per Person; Scouting Units require a BSA Swim Test
FishingMax. 20Per Day$ -$5.00$6.00Per pole rental
Bouldering Walln/an/a$10.00$15.00$20.00
Football Fieldn/aPer Day$75.00$80.00$85.00Flat Fee
Gaga Ball Pitsn/aPer Day$20.00$25.00$30.00Flat Fee
Volleyball Pitn/aPer Day$20.00$25.00$30.00Flat Fee
Astronomy Telescopen/aPer Day$50.00$55.00$60.00Flat Fee
Human Foosballn/aPer Day$20.00$25.00$30.00Flat Fee
Day Rate Occupancyn/an/a$ - $10.00$10.00Per Person, Per Day
Standard Patch$3.00$3.00$3.00Per Person
Personalized Patch$5.00$5.00$5.00Per Person, will customize to your request (need 60 day lead time)


D-Bar-A Scout Ranch staff is uniquely qualified to present several programs for our youth to learn more about horses and about life on a working ranch. From the introductory Horsemanship Merit Badge to the fully immersive Ranch Hand Experience, your scouts will have an unforgettable experience.

Note: The Horsemanship Merit Badge must be scheduled at least 90 days prior to the desired weekend.

Corral Rides – $15 per Scout/per hour ($20 non-profit/$25 standard rate per person)

For riders of all ages, we offer this great introduction to Horseback Riding. Up to 20 participants can take advantage of this opportunity in a 1-hour time-slot. Held at our Corral near the barns, participants ride horses while an adult leads the horse around the Corral.

Trail Rides – $35 per person/per 1.5-2 hour block ($40 non-profit/$45 standard rate price per person)

Participants will get to view the Ranch from Horseback.  Each ride, with instruction times, lasts for 1.5-2 hours.

Hay Rides – $5 per person/per 1 hour block ($6 non-profit/$7 standard rate per person)

Participants will get to view the Ranch on a traditional hay ride.  Each ride lasts for 1 hour.

D-Bar-A Corral Ride
D-Bar-A Trail Ride



Being PREPARED for a Philmont Expedition is IMPORTANT!  Let our trained volunteers & staff at D-Bar-A Scout Ranch help you by selecting 1 of 2 AMAZING Training Trails.  We have 2 different program events, both to prepare units, Scouts and Scouters for their Backpacking Trek or Cavalcade at Philmont Scout Ranch.

Who Can Attend: 
Any member of a Scout BSA Troop, Venture Crew, Sea Scout Ship or Exploring Post.

Trail Dates Cost
Backpacking Training Trail to Philmont April 11-13, 2025 $50/person
Cavalcade Training Trail to Philmont May 16-18, 2025 $250/person *
Cavalcade Training Trail to Philmont September 12-14, 2025 $250/person *

* $400/person to register for BOTH weekends of Cavalcade



Program for Registered Scouts *

* Session #4 is open to the Public

Spend a week learning what it takes to work at a Ranch!  Also referred to as our Wrangler in Training program, this allows Scouts the opportunity to spend a week learning what it takes to work at The Ranch! Help the D-Bar-A Ranch Staff care for our herd of horses, long horn cattle, and burros in this once in a lifetime adventure! You will learn to bend & weld metal, work on farm machinery, learn horse care, and do repairs around The Ranch!

Participants, in this full-immersion program, will earn the Horsemanship, Farm Mechanics, Veterinary Medicine, Painting, Metalworking, and Welding Merit Badges, in addition to taking part in all aspects of running the Ranch from maintenance to horse care.

Learn how to rope, ride, spend a night under the stars with the horses and even participate in a true cattle drive!

You will work alongside the ranch staff on the 1700 acre farm. You will learn to bend and weld metal, work on farm machinery, and do repairs around the ranch.

Participants should be at least 13 years of age and First Class, and have some riding and camping experience. Except for your personal camping gear, D-bar-A Scout Ranch will provide everything that you will need including food and cooking equipment.

A current BSA Health & Medical Record, parts A, B and C, including a Doctor’s signature, is required.

The Ranch Hand program is limited to a maximum of 10 participants per session.

2025 Cost:


2025 Dates:

June 15-21, 2025
June 22-28, 2025
July 6-12, 2025
July 13-19, 2025 (Open to the Public)


Open to the Public

If you are interested in doing some more advanced horseback riding, then you must take part in Horse Camp! Our Horse Camp is a five day and four night horseback riding adventure with highly trained staff that you will never forget. This adventure is offered as an individual or group experience, and is scheduled to happen in June and August. You will get to sleep under the stars, participate in cowboy action shooting, learning advance riding techniques, and much more while caring for your horse every step of the way.

D-Bar-A equestrian camp will offer more than just horsemanship, it will create lifelong memories and character building. During riding camps, they will live it out. Every camper will spend each day caring for, feeding, and riding their assigned horse.

Through a combination of instructor-led courses, riding lessons, camp and horse activities, each camper will encounter Equine Assisted Growth and Learning.

Must be age 14+, or 13 and have completed the 8th grade in order to participate.  Youth does NOT need to be a registered Scout.

Each session is limited to a maximum of 20 participants.

Highlights Include:

Open to the Public

Level Based Riding Provides a Challenge for All Experience Levels
Learn Grooming and Care for your Horse
Build your Riding and Showing Skills
Older Youth get the Chance to Camp Under the Stars With Their Horse!


Water Activities
Shooting Sports Activities



2025 D-Bar-A Summer Camp Sessions

Session 1: June 15 – 21
Session 2: June 22 – 28

Trail to Eagle Week

Session: June 29 – July 5 

Kickoff Webinar

Jan 13, 2025 Webinar:



The Trail to Eagle (TTE) program is a specifically designed program for the older Scout to give them the [TTE Eagle] opportunity to work on the merit badges they need to finish the Eagle Scout rank requirements. It is a one week, highly structured program held at D-bar-A Scout Ranch and Scouts must be at least 1st Class rank by Fall of the current year and at least 13 years old or older.

Upcoming Events at D-bar-A


You have the ability to reserve a site during your troop’s visit to summer camp

Available May 1st through October 1st

Each RV campsite is equipped with water, sewer, and electricity.

Amenities Include:
Laundry, showers, a common area, and has access to the camp’s trading post when it is open.

$35 per night

Each adult during the summer months must be registered with the Boy Scouts of America, have up to date Youth Protection, and a clearance letter from the MDHS

Contact us for availability and to book.


Your Adopt-A-Horse Sponsorship is a unique opportunity to make a difference by directly helping one of our horses. Your generous donation will help provide for food, board, medical treatment, training and other costs that are directly associated with the care of your sponsored horse. Maintaining and caring for our horses is a very time consuming and costly endeavor.

Your Adopt-A-Horse Sponsorship makes it financially possible for us to provide for our D-Bar-A horses by keeping them safe, providing a long, healthy life and delivering a once in a lifetime experience for our youth. Sponsors make a generous contribution to assist with the care of a specific horse they personally select. These donations go directly toward the expenses for that animal. Sponsorships put a financial dent in the care and feed costs for each horse. Our goal is to secure a sponsor for each of our very special D-Bar-A horses!