November 8, 2025

Scouting for Food is an amazing community service project that has a long history in the Michigan Crossroads Council and its preceding councils.  One day a year, Scouts from all over the council pick up non-perishable food donations from local residents and take those to their local food pantries.  A week prior, the Scouts drop off bags and/or flyers to the local residents to invite them to take part in this worth-while service project.

All Troops, Packs, Crews and Ships in the MCC are invited to take part in this year’s Scouting for Food drive.  Consult the list of food pantries; if you do not see one near you, reach out to your local pantry to see if they would accept donations.  Do your part to tackle hunger in Michigan.

* If this date does not work for your community, we understand.  You can take part in this project on your own dates as well.


Participating units sign up for the service project by filling out the form on this webpage (scroll down). Your District’s volunteer Scouting for Food Chair will contact participating units to arrange a time and location to pick up bags (bags are only available in some counties) for canvassing neighborhoods.

If passing out flyers please go to Unit Resources on this page. Use the fillable/printable flyer in needed locations.


Canvas their pre-identified neighborhoods, placing Scouting for Food bags or flyers on doorsteps in local neighborhoods. Remember, it is illegal to place bags or flyers in mailboxes.


Your Scouting unit returns to the same neighborhood(s) between 9:30 am – 12 pm to collect any donated food residents have left on their doorstep. Food donations can be taken to one of our sponsored collection points provided in the list on this page or in the Scouting for Food flyer. We will post additional locations here as we confirm them.

If your district or area does not have a collection location listed please contact your District Scouting for Food Chair or email


Please email your Unit Scouting for Food Campaign Tracking Sheet (go to Unit Resources) to (scans or pictures accepted -please print legibly) -OR- submit Online.

BY NOVEMBER 30, 2025

Enter service hours in your unit Scoutbook Plus/Internet Advancement service hours reporting tool. Find instructions and information at

The below resources are meant to assist unit leaders with planning and taking part in this community project.

The following tutorial videos can help units create their own Google Maps or Google Forms to help coordinate efforts within their own communities.

Click image for more information about each food bank.
Scroll down the page for specific locations and times for dropoff.

Feeding America West MI:

Food Gatherers | Food Gatherers Scouting for Food Page

Gleaners Community Food Bank:

Greater Lansing Food Bank:

South Michigan Food Bank:

The Scouting for Food Patch Contest will be open through May 9, 2025.  Submit your patch designs through the Scouting For Food Patch Design page.

Design requirements:

  1. The patch cannot contain more than seven colors
  2. The patch must contain the following:
    1. “Michigan Crossroads Council” (or “MCC”)
    3. “2025”
    4. Fleur de lis
  3. The patch must fit in a 3″ circle or 3″ square.  It can be a different shape, but must fit in the circle/square.

Open to all registered Scouts in all Michigan Crossroads Council (MCC) Packs, Troops, Crews, Ships, and Posts.

Scouting For Food Patch Design page

We’d love to see photos of your unit’s food drive.  Upload your best pics to the Google Photos album linked below.  (Note: You do NOT need a gmail account to access Google Photos.  You can register for a Google account with any email address.)

Scouting for Food Photo Share

Q: Does our district have a Scouting for Food Chair?
A: Not all districts have a Scouting for Food Chair.  We are working with districts to get volunteers who would like to take this role on.  If you are interested please reach out to your District Executive.

Q: How do I find out who my District Scouting for Food Chair is?
A: Your District Executive or District Commissioner may know, but you can always email to ask who is handling that role.

Q: How do I know which area/neighborhoods to drop bags or flyers in?
A: Please contact your District Scouting for Food Chair to get your assigned area.  If you do not know who that is please email

Q: How do I get Scouting for Food bags?
A: The only areas that are receiving bags in 2024 are the districts in counties that are covered by Gleaners Community Food Bank, Food Gatherers and South Michigan Food Bank.  All other districts should utilize the Scouting for Food Fillable/Printable Flyer under Unit Resources on this webpage.

Q: Should I use a flyer if my district is passing out Scouting for Food bags to units?
A: NO.  If you are receiving Scouting for Food bags the information needed is printed on the bags.  The flyer should only be used in districts where they are not receiving Scouting for Food bags yet or a unit has decided to do Scouting for Food on a different set of dates.

Q: We have to use the Scouting for Food fillable flyer.  How do we use the flyer for Scouting for Food?
A: The flyer was made to be fillable so you can add your own information under “Pick Up Information” on the form.  The printing of the flyer will be the responsibility of the districts/units.  Then drop the flyers at the door steps on each home. Put the flyers through door handles, in between screen doors or under doormats making sure they are still visible.  The homeowner will provide their own bag or box for you to pickup on the 2nd Saturday in November.

Q: Can we place bags or flyers in the mailbox?
A: NO, this is against the law.  Do not place any Scouting for Food items in the mailbox.

Q: Which Food Bank or Food Pantry should we deliver to?
A: In the coverage area of Gleaners Community Food Bank, Food Gatherers and South Michigan Food Bank, we have provided already scheduled Food Bank or Food Pantry drop off locations.  Please check the list further down on this page to see these drop off locations.  If you are in a district that is covered by Feeding America West MI, please check here (, Greater Lansing Food Bank, please check here ( or Food Bank of Eastern MI, please check here (  There are so many food pantries that have partnered with these food banks, so please locate a pantry close to your unit.  Please contact these locations to ensure they are available to accept your units collected food bags on the second Saturday in November.

Q: Our unit is doing Scouting for Food on a different date than the MCC dates scheduled.  Should we still register?
A: Yes, please register, but do not request bags.  Your unit can utilize the Scouting for Food Fillable/Printable Flyer under Unit Resources.  Your unit should still contact the District Scouting for Food Chair to receive a coverage area, so you are not dropping flyers in an area that just received bags/flyers during the scheduled MCC dates.  Please submit the Scouting for Food Campaign Tracker form once your service hours are completed.  This form can be found under Unit Resources as well.

Q: Will there be a patch made this year?
A: Yes, please check the Scouting for Food Patches section above.

Q: Why do Scouts have to pay for Patches?
A: The Michigan Crossroads Council is grateful that our partner Food Banks can purchase bags for the campaign. However, the council incurs other costs associated with Scouting for Food. Selling the patches helps to offset those costs and allows the committee to purchase promotional items. This Committee advocates keeping the price of the patches low and does not require each Scout to buy a patch.

Q: Do we need to submit any information after our Scouting for Food campaign is done?
A: Yes, on this page, look for the Scouting for Food Campaign Tracker under Unit Resources.  Please submit this form via email ( or via the online webform by Monday, November 18, 2024.

Q: How much does a filled Scouting for Food bag weigh?
A: While filled bags aren’t a consistent weight, when asked how many pounds of food your unit picked up, the best practice is to estimate each bag at 5 pounds.

Q: Why should my unit register for Scouting for Food?
A: We ask all units to register for Scouting for Food so we can report participation information to our partner Food Banks. We also use registration information in grant requests and reports to current donors. By registering your unit, we continue to grow the partnerships with local Food Banks and Food Pantries. When you register your unit, we ask for the approximate participation of youth and adults. Your unit information is only shared as an aggregate of other units in your district. Any personal information provided on the registration form is not shared with partner Food Banks, Grant Agencies, or Donors. Any contact information you share is only for specific Scouting for Food purposes and is not provided to individuals outside the Scouting for Food Team.

Q: Do I have to fill out a Multi-Unit Activity form if my unit participates in Scouting for Food with another unit?
A: Scouting for Food is a yearly Michigan Crossroads Council Activity in November. If your unit participates in Scouting for Food at the same time as the council’s Scouting for Food, you do not need to complete a Multi-Unit Activity Request form. If your unit participates with another unit in a food gathering service project on a different date, a Multi-Unit Activity Form may be required.

2025 Food Bank Locations

Updated times and locations will be made throughout 2025

District Staffed Times Collection Site Site Address Site City
Chippewa #1 9:00am-2:00pm Macomb Food Bank 44900 Vic Wertz Dr Clinton Twp 48036-1251
Chippewa #2 9:00am-2:00pm Weingartz 46061 Van Dyke Utica
Heartland 10:00am – 2:00pm SAMS Food Pantry 503 S. Saginaw Midland
Huron Trails 10:00am  – 2:00pm Food Gatherers 1 Carrot Way Ann Arbor
Irish Hills 10:00am – 12:00pm Tecumseh United Methodist Church 605 Bishop Reed Dr Tecumseh
Mahican 9:00am-2:00pm Fish & Loaves 25670 Northline Road Taylor
North Star #1 9:00am-2:00pm YAD EZRA 2850 W. Eleven Mile Road Berkley
North Star,
10:00am-2:00pm Troy Scout Shop 1155 E Long Lake Rd Troy
Nottawa Trails, Pathfinder,
10:00am-2:00pm Kalamazoo First Pantry 5550 Oakland Drive Portage
Ottawa 9:00am-2:00pm Weingartz 39050 Grand River Farmington Hills
Pontiac-Manito 9:00am-2:00pm Oakland Hope 20 Walton Blvd. Pontiac
Renaissance 10:00am-1:00pm Gleaners – Detroit Warehouse 2131 Beaufait Detroit 48207
Running Waters 11:30am-2:00pm Christ Lutheran 225 E Elm Ave Monroe
Sunset 9:00am-2:00pm St. Thomas à Beckett 555 S. Lilley St Canton
Sunrise #1 9:00am-2:00pm VFW Bruce Post 28404 Jefferson Ave St. Clair Shores
Sunrise #2 9:00am-2:00pm Woodside Bible Church 27300 Hoover Rd Warren
Three Fires 9:00am-2:00pm Gleaners – Howell 5924 Sterling Dr. Howell

Want to help support Scouting for Food?  Consider donating!  Use the DONATE link or text


2025 Scouting for Food Registration

"*" indicates required fields

NOTE: Bags available in select food bank areas only