Running Waters District Distinguished Citizens Dinner
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Angelos Northwood Villa
6630 S. Dixie Hwy | Erie, MI
Scouting in Monroe County and the Community of Flat Rock is served by the Running Waters District. The district consists of 435 youth members in 34 Units. The youth in these units have earned over 1,160 merit badges, given back over 4,483 hours of community service, and had 25 Scouts earn the rank of Eagle as well as 36 months of continuous membership growth.
Sponsorship Levels
Event Sponsor – $5000
INCLUDES: logo of person/company on program and invitation if made by November 5th, featured name of person/company on event signs, press release, 2 tables (6 guests per table) premier seating & table plac-ard, framed certificate of support
Diamond Sponsor – $2,500
INCLUDES: logo of person/company on program and invitation if made by November 5th, press release, 1 table (6 guests per table) premier seating and table placard
Gold Sponsor – $1,500
INCLUDES: name of person/company on program, press release 4 tickets, premier seating & table placard.
Silver Sponsor – $1,000
INCLUDES: name of person/company on program, press release, 3 tickets & table placard.
Bronze Sponsor – $500
INCLUDES: name of person/company on program, 2 tickets.